This blog aims to be a complement to my website with regard to sections Applications, Equipments and Tutoriels.
In the website I provide, in section Applications, information concerning the boating applications available for Apple devices, for which I provide French translations and / or support and training : Weather4D, iNavX, AyeTides, Celestial for iPhone and iPad, MacENC, AyeTides Mac for macOS.
In section Equipment I develop information on the different ways available for the sailor who wants to use a Mac, or an Apple mobile device, aboard their boat : accessories, drivers, weather reception systems, instruments connection, etc,.
In the section Tutoriels, I provide various aids concerning cartography, weather files, and the use of some applications.
In present weblog I deal with topical issues over time on all subjects relating to tablet navigation, targeted and detailed information about navigation in general, help and tips on the use of hardware and applications, the translation of some topics discussed on American or English specialized forums and blogs.
I open the possibility of adding comments, without taking up the size of a forum which I absolutely do not have time to take care. Note that Comments attached to an article are closed after 30 days.
> Searching Articles :
The growing number of articles (more than 400 in 2020) requires you to sort so that you can quickly access the topic of your choice :
- The input field Search you can find articles on a particular name or word, if it doesn't match keywords (tags).
- The dropdown field Categories allows you to directly access items classified by topics, like for example "Meteorology".
- Items can be sorted using the Keywords. I try to limit the number of keywords to group items by relevant topics, like for example "iNavX", "Navionics" or even "Wi-Fi".
- Finally a translator gives access to most « macusers » yachtsmen all around the world (Only English translation is usually reviewed).
> Order by Menu :
- Articles : contains all the posts published.
- Break News : contains short posts mainly about updated (applications, cartography, manuals).
- Applications : opens the app pages Apple Books, Weather4D, Weather4VR, eSail4VR (new), iNavX, iSailor, Navionics Boating, MacENC, which gathers articles related to each of these applications, of which firstApple Books which includes the description of my multimedia tutorials and manuals and other relevant uses.
- Devices : opens the pages of entries by device type : iPad , iPhone, …, …, Accessories.
- Tutoriels : brings together articles on specific subjects : Routing, Weather, etc,.
- More... : contains the pages devoted to my Marine Readings I recommend, the presentAbout, the Privacy Policy, and the direct linkContact me.
- Summary : list the titles of all articles written in reverse chronological order, month by month, since the beginning of the blog.
Have a good … virtual and nautical navigation !