TimeZero makes its (mini-r)evolution on iOS

After 3 years without major development (¹), TimeZero (now under Nobeltec brand) comes on iPad with a new name and a new logo. Doesn't it remind you anything ? A feeling of déjà vu ?

TimeZero becomes TZ iBoat. No revolution in the user interface, all functions already present in the update 2015 are in place (AIS support, Furuno DRS4W Radar support, current and tide gauges display, etc,). So what's new for this new name ? Let's look carefully… Read more …

The stakeholders of electronic charting [Update-2]

In April 2010 I published a ticket to locate the main actors of the electronic charting. Time passing, this information should be refreshed, due to recent business movements. Some have disappeared, as Maptech, more recently Fugawi, others have changed hands, an update is necessary.

Thunderbolt this 27 October 2017, Navionics charts was acquired by Garmin (¹) ! The last private publisher to remain independent, until today in the hand of the Italian founder Giuseppe Carnevali, passes into the portfolio of the multinational company Garmin, shortly after the purchase of the global database Active Captain. The cards are redistributed once again…

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