Weather4D and SailGrib improve the AIS network
Numerous AIS tracking networks broadcast over the internet are available. Among the best known : Marine Traffic, Vessel Finder, SiiTech, LocateEverything, and many others. One of these networks particularly stands out, AISHub, an AIS data sharing center Read more …
The new AIS class B+ transponders explained
A new generation of transponder (¹) AIS Class B+ claims to make pleasure boats more visible. Here's how…
iNavX 5.2 : AIS by Internet service becomes paying
With the latest version 5.2 of iNavX, AIS reception service by internet becomes charge. Ce service, provided by the company SiiTech free of charge since the origin of iNavX (¹), becomes a subscription service.
AIS reception on the web [Update]
In recent years, websites allowing the visualization of maritime traffic have developed on the web.. They continuously transmit via the internet the positions received from the ships' AIS transmitters, received by reception bases on land, Read more …
AIS for dummies
With the progressive generalization of the AIS (transceivers) aboard our pleasure boats (¹), and their obligatory presence on board a large proportion of commercial ships, capacities for display and processing of targets (surrounding ships equipped Read more …
AIS, the second maritime revolution after the GPS
AIS takes a growing place, for two or three years, in the concerns of leisure boaters. Several articles refer to it in this blog, as for equipment as for applications available for our Mac, iPad or Read more …
iNavX and SiiTech AIS server
iNavX allows you to connect, since version 3.1.7 from February the 11 October 2010, to the AIS SiiTech data server which I talked about in a previous post (¹). The benefit of this service remained questionable in France because of the low Read more …
Connect GPSNavX/MacENC with an AIS
It is more and more common to see an AIS receiver, Automatic Identification System (*), receiver above yacht's chart tables. Although only merchant vessels of over 300 barrels and ships Read more …