TZ iBoat V.3.0 launches its charting revolution

Nobeltec, Inc., subsidiaries of MaxSea International, is a leading developer of PC-based marine navigation software and provider of electronic marine navigation charts. This company is the official developer of TZ iBoat on Apple Store. After several weeks of beta-testing, The version 3.0 has just gone online.

A revolution is taking place in the world of maritime cartography... Never seen before ! TimeZero announces.

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TimeZero makes its (mini-r)evolution on iOS

After 3 years without major development (¹), TimeZero (now under Nobeltec brand) comes on iPad with a new name and a new logo. Doesn't it remind you anything ? A feeling of déjà vu ?

TimeZero becomes TZ iBoat. No revolution in the user interface, all functions already present in the update 2015 are in place (AIS support, Furuno DRS4W Radar support, current and tide gauges display, etc,). So what's new for this new name ? Let's look carefully… Read more …

The new TimeZero arrived

You remember the launch of TimeZero in June 2013 and the interest aroused among the many users of MaxSea on PC. I then wrote :

MaxSea is already planning future developments of its application. A future major release will likely see connection to external instruments over WiFi, File transfers (waypoints, routes and tracks files) with other applications, perhaps openness to other charting editors

We waited, hoped, and then Pschiiitt ! No more evolution since that date except for a few cosmetic improvements in November 2013 before the Paris Boat Show. No more contact for me with the developers (I was a tester for the beta versions). No more news for a year until rumors reported from the last METS in Amsterdam reporting an ongoing development integrating (finally) AIS, and also WiFi radar DRS4W by Furuno. This has now been done since the 23 th. Read more …

MaxSea TimeZero on iPad

Announced for three months, The first version of TimeZero has been available for iPad for a few days. Under the brand Nobeltec, bought by Signet S.A., MaxSea holding company (¹), this free application contains a simplified design suitable for the tablet technology that has made the reputation of the French publisher.

I was waiting with curiosity for a while the position taken by MaxSea about the iPad phenomenon. The least I can say is that I am not disappointed. Read more …