Update Weather4D R&N 2.0.93

  • Fixed an issue that occurred with the update macOS Sequoia 15.2 preventing the app from opening on Mac.
  • Corrective update regarding a malfunction in the selection of time steps of some forecast models.

In addition, The model IFS increase up to 15 days and is augmented by the " Gusts ” data.

Addition of the Argentina charting available at Geogarage.


Currents and waves at hectometric resolution from Ifremer (Episode 2)

Episode 2 – Illustrations

Forecasts IFREMER (see Episode 1) available in Weather4D are of two kinds :

    • Current forecasts from the MARS2D model
    • Sea state forecasts (combined currents and waves) based on WW3 model

These files concern areas of the Channel and Atlantic whose coverage and resolutions are significantly different. Read more …

Currents and waves at hectometric resolution from Ifremer (Episode 1)

Episode 1 – Description

Since 7 May 2024 the latest versions of Weather4D have been enriched with several new weather and ocean models (¹). Among the latter, ultra-high resolution current and wave forecast models from’Ifremer come in addition to Copernicus models (formerly called MyOcean) for the Channel and Atlantic coasts. These forecasts are provided with hectometric grids, can be reduced up to 190 meters for some models. So Ifremer, what is ? Read more …

GRIB files and time zones

An incomprehensible malfunction occurred recently for a Weather4D user, sailing in a “lost hole” on the edge of the Indian Ocean, namely the Cocos Islands, challenged me to the point of getting lost in conjectures. A GFS file due ten days ago categorically refused to be displayed in the application with the date, damn !

This unfortunate sailor - for which I would like to thank him - forced me to make a determined search for the cause of the problem.. After much procrastination, explorations of settings that may be faulty, since no other user had reported such a problem to us, the light finally came out ! Read more …

Update Weather4D R&N 2.0.92 -New charts update

As part of the gradual conversion of raster charts to vector charts ENC (¹) on the platform Geogarage, Weather4D Routing & Navigation now includes the following ENC catalogs :

  • Portugal (derived from the productions of the Portuguese Hydrographic Service – IH)
  • Poland (derived from the productions of the Polish Hydrographic Service – HOPN)
  • Australia (derived from the productions of the Australian Hydrographic Service – AHO)

These ENC catalogs are added to the previous ones already available (Spain, Croatia, Germany, Netherland). Others are under negotiation such as Greece and Sweden.

(¹) Geogarage to introduce ENC charts for Weather4D

Weather4D renews its GRIB model offering

Latest releases Lite, Routing, Routing & Navigation arrive with a full renewed list of weather and ocean models in order to allow users to benefit from the evolution of the offer of international forecasting models. At the same time, all GRIB files go to format GRIB-2, this allows for a reduction in their size and a better compression ratio. Read more …