Transas iSailor becomes Wärtsilä iSailor [Update]

It had to happen one day ! iSailor users will be disappointed… in May 2018, Transas was acquired by the Finnish group Wärtsilä Corporation, a global leader in technology and markets intelligent solutions for the marine and energy. As part of the integration into Wärtsilä brand, Transas iSailor is undergoing a makeover process that you will notice in the next release. Transas iSailor becomes Wärtsilä iSailor. Read more …

Digital charts : purchase or subscription [Update] ?

[Update 3 March 2019]

With the multiple charts disappearances during the successive updates of iNavX, I received a number of requests for assistance in the recovery of the said charts.

Regardless of the fact that I am not the NavX Studios LLC bracket (iNavX) (¹), a focus is needed on the method of charts provision by distributors for our mobile applications.

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iNavX and iSailor offer more functions

The year 2015 barely begun, developers already deliver us their applications developments, probably developed between two glasses of champagne during the holidays. I consider iNavX and iSailor as the two best navigation apps so far under iOS. These are the ones that offer the most extensive functions and the selection of the best charts. They each have their qualities and their defects, and I took advantage of the innovations introduced by their recent update to attempt a quick comparative price/functions.

Warning, this exercise is associated with a snapshot vision, valid today but quickly obsolete tomorrow, as changes are rapid in this domain. On the other hand it is always difficult to share the objective and subjective aspects in a comparative, I was already confronted in the past (¹). Read more …

Navigation Apps : the (rare) new products in Spring 2014

The least I can say, is that the news are not rushing. After the frenzy of announcements 2013, developers seem to have stalled. It is likely that multiple apps navigation should not favor their profitability, and the financial return on investment in development time and maintenance must not be achieved by all. Navionics charts remains the undisputed leader. In creating its new "Boating" formula supplement and / or replace "Marine" (¹) it probably boost sales began to out of steam. iNavX independent application remains the best-selling in the U.S., and the rest of the world through combination with Navionics cartography, particularly in France through… the strong promotion in which I contribute. Its developer multiplies very regular updates, which assures proper positioning on the AppStore and user satisfaction, despite the questionable ergonomics certain functions. Read more …

Navigation Apps : the news of the return

While I held my summer studious testing hardware and software in conditions of extreme hardship, developers lined fierce relentless miles of lines of code to improve our navigation applications. What devotion, what sacrifice !

développeurs en action

Stressful working conditions…

Concerning navigation applications, mainly come from the new Navionics Marine and Transas iSailor. In honor where honor, start with the leader of our smartphones and tablets, Navionics charts… Read more …

iSailor, charts are available for France

isailorTransas updated list of new charts available for iSailor, include coasts of France :

∙ Germany ∙ Australia ∙ Bermuda ∙ Canada ∙ Denmark ∙ Egypt ∙ Spain ∙ Estonia ∙ Finland ∙ France ∙ Greece ∙ Italy ∙ Ireland ∙ Latvia ∙ New Zealand ∙ Norway ∙ Papua New Guinea ∙ Netherlands ∙ Portugal ∙ United Kingdom ∙ Sweden ∙ USA : Atlantic Coast, Gulf Coast, Pacific Coast, Hawaiian Islands, Alaska, Great Lakes (U.S.. Waters). Read more …

iSailor : Transas charts on iPhone and iPad

iSailorIn France, mariners know little, or not at all, about Transas company of Russian origin. The Transas Group is nevertheless one of the world's leading professional of navigation software . Founded in 1990 to St. Petersbourgh, It opens its first office in England to Southampton (UK). Application developer for maritime and aeronautical training simulators, leading ECDIS certified designer, AIS system installer, the company has provided its electronic charting systems to prestigious customers, as the Russian space station MIR in 1996. There are countless marine simulator and flight simulators equipped with Transas technology in training centers worldwide. Several major commercial harbours are also equipped with VTS (*) and VTM (*) from Transas.
With 200 million turnover, International group today, mostly run by Russian, has its headquarters based in Cork, Ireland.

All this to say, when the very serious Transas company decides to launch a marine charting application on the iPhone and iPad, does not hesitate to rely on a communication, well ... particularly striking. See more ... Read more …