Bad weather for iNavX [Update]

What I had been planning for a long time has finally happened : iNavX lost Navionics cartography ! It seemed obvious that the historic contract which allowed iNavX to have privileged access to Navionics cartography, since the origin of the application designed by Richard Ray in 2009, was threatened. Since then things have changed a lot : purchase of the application by NavX Studio (¹), acquisition of Navionics by Garmin (²), generalization of the annual chart subscription policy (³)… Read more …

Fugawi charts service is discontinued [Update]

It's official, the 30 November 2018, Johnson Outdoors Company, recently acquired Fugawi (*), decided to stop its activities. After discontinuing the distribution of their PC navigation software in August 2017, having closed the marine equipment shop selling online last spring, it is the turn of the download charts server to disappear. Read more …

Digital charts : purchase or subscription [Update] ?

[Update 3 March 2019]

With the multiple charts disappearances during the successive updates of iNavX, I received a number of requests for assistance in the recovery of the said charts.

Regardless of the fact that I am not the NavX Studios LLC bracket (iNavX) (¹), a focus is needed on the method of charts provision by distributors for our mobile applications.

Read more …

Update iNavX 5.0.7 [Update-2]

[Update] As a result of the update 5.0.6 the charts were again no more reachable. This is not the first time. A release 5.0.7 delivered in the night of May 15 until 16 has solved the problem. But alas, the web site Fugawi/Chart has been made unavailable for a few hours, and therefore no more access to accounts to retrieve charts. Decidedly, is this happening !

You can now repeat the procedure :

  1. Select the "Cards" page > "My cards" tab
  2. Select each chart folder you have purchased
  3. Type "Update the list of cards"
  4. Activate and download the folder again

To make this work, may be you need to logout/login to your Fugawi account. You will notice however that the French translation has been completed, at least one positive thing !


To restore your cards in the "My cards" page, you have to pull the page down by sliding your finger, purchases must be refreshed.


iNavX 5.0 from Charybde to Scylla

The major update 5.0 of iNavX, issued late August, has unfortunately been a long and painful birth for new developers, and a succession of vortices and reefs for users. Among the many bugs and regressions laboriously fixed by successive builds, the worst part was the total loss of charts for almost all of us. This is, repeatedly. On top of the recent migration, this month, of charting server X-Traverse to a new website Fugawi much more user friendly, has not made things easier. Some explanations are needed. Read more …