Currents and waves at hectometric resolution from Ifremer (Episode 2)

Episode 2 – Illustrations

Forecasts IFREMER (see Episode 1) available in Weather4D are of two kinds :

    • Current forecasts from the MARS2D model
    • Sea state forecasts (combined currents and waves) based on WW3 model

These files concern areas of the Channel and Atlantic whose coverage and resolutions are significantly different. Read more …

Currents and waves at hectometric resolution from Ifremer (Episode 1)

Episode 1 – Description

Since 7 May 2024 the latest versions of Weather4D have been enriched with several new weather and ocean models (¹). Among the latter, ultra-high resolution current and wave forecast models from’Ifremer come in addition to Copernicus models (formerly called MyOcean) for the Channel and Atlantic coasts. These forecasts are provided with hectometric grids, can be reduced up to 190 meters for some models. So Ifremer, what is ? Read more …

Sea state : interpret wave patterns

In Weather4D, as generally in other applications, sea ​​state forecasts are described by ocean models. The most used is the model WW3 (Wave Watch III), published by the FNMOC (Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center) of the US Navy, with a Global model due 7 days and resolution 1 ° (60NM), and a European model at 3 days and resolution 0.2 ° (12NM). Meteo France publish models MFWAM (Wave Assimilated Model) coupled with the ARPEGE and AROME weather models with three resolutions : Global at 0.5 ° (30NM), Europe at 0.1 ° (6NM), France at 0.025 ° (1,5NM) with variable deadlines (¹). Read more …

Weather4D PRO 1.3.3 improves routing

weather4d proImprovements…

No respite for this application : two and half months after joining the currents in the routing calculation, this latest version provides significant advances on this function. Improvements provide greater accuracy in the calculation of optimized route and new settings allow to fine-tune.

… and two good news :

They relate to current, follow the guide… Read more …

Weather4D PRO 1.3.2 adds the currents in the routing

weather4d proWith version 1.3.2, Weather4D PRO allows to get and display currents as GRIB data. At first, currents available are provided with subscription by Tidetech, I mentioned there in the past (¹). Once entered in Weather4D PRO settings a username and password, provided during the subscription, you can access Tidetech global catalog.

Only a PRO subscription to Tidetech provides GRIB format files. The company is considering a specific offer for applications on iPad / iPhone. Read more …

View the currents on electronic charts ?

I voluntarily under this article as a query. Many users, all countries included, wish visualization common in applications Richard Ray. Indeed, there is no display function of the currents in GPSNavX, MacENC and iNavX. It is a deliberate choice by the developer because there are many data sources and all hydrographic services are unwilling to provide their files in digital format. In addition, users are likely to take their data displayed on maps as sure and certain, with consequences that could engage the responsibility of the editor and legal risks, especially in the USA, too great for the developer. Read more …