Simultaneous Wi-Fi and cellular connection [Update]

In coastal navigation, so often within range of a cellular network, we can download GRIB files, weather maps, or simply communicate with friends. But what if our smartphone or tablet is already connected via Wi-Fi to a multiplexer?, or an NMEA gateway, without cutting the data that feeds our favorite navigation application ?

This is the summer trick…

[Update 25/09/2020] The trick in question depends on the iOS version used. Details in the article.

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Sharing of connection 3G / 4G [Update]

In coastal navigation, sometimes it is easier to connect to 3G cellular network to get a WiFi connection with an access point to earth. Cellular antennas are more numerous on the coast and on the Islands. But as you follow my recommendations carefully (¹), I have no doubt, you have an iPad WiFi 3 G without a subscription, that is to say without a SIM card, and you are right. So how do ? Read more …