For eco-responsible yachting. Part 2 – Nav&Co

Boaters and water sports enthusiasts now have two applications to help them better understand and protect the increasingly fragile marine environment.. Nav&Co is an initiative 100% public composed of SHOM, of the OFB (French Office for Biodiversity), of the Secretary of State for the Sea and the DGAMPA, with co-financing from the European Union. DONIA (*) is a private initiative of the company Andromeda Oceanology which received support from the Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse Water Agency. If DONIA is dedicated mainly to the western Mediterranean basin, Nav&Co currently covers all metropolitan France, Corsica and Guadeloupe. Read more …

For eco-responsible yachting. Part 1 – DONIA

Boaters and water sports enthusiasts now have two applications to help them better understand and protect the increasingly fragile marine environment.. DONIA is a private initiative of the company Andromeda Oceanology which received support from the Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse Water Agency. Nav&Co (*) is an initiative 100% public composed of SHOM, of the OFB (French Office for Biodiversity), of the Secretary of State for the Sea and the DGAMPA, with co-financing from the European Union. If DONIA is dedicated mainly to the western Mediterranean basin, Nav&Co currently covers all metropolitan France, Corsica and Guadeloupe. Read more …

Share GRIB files with Air Share [Update]

You are more likely to have adopted the Iridium GO! for its easy way to request GRIB files, directly from Weather4D and some other applications. But some also want to transfer these files to PC to import them into Windows software (as you know, nobody is perfect !). An easy solution is available : the messaging app Air Share, compatible iOS/iPadOS (¹). [Update 30 March 2022] Warning : the app has changed its ID code on the AppStore. Read more …

Guide Escales 2018 – Red card ! [Update-2]

It saddens me to finish the year with a critical article, but the subject deserves. I wrote in December 2016 (*) a genuinely positive assessment of the evolution of the application Guides Escales 2017 - Bloc Marine digital version by Figaro Nautisme editions - compared to 2016. But for edition 2018, is unfortunately go back, supply regress and severe rate increase.

Unlike the print edition you can keep several years in your boat library, the annual update of the application Guides Escales erases all purchased regions the previous year. It is therefore not a purchase but an annual subscription, nuance!. And that's not all…

[Updated 2022] The Stopover Guide has been withdrawn from sale.

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maré : real-time tide forecasts

Our friend Guillaume Bolo, the first in France to have offered for many years a sophisticated web interface with the predictions of SHOM - maré - is also the developer of the excellent application marée info for iPad, iPhone and Apple Watch. Copied but never equaled by SHOM itself, which eventually drop the case, it will offer us a great change soon… Read more …

Guide Escales 2017

I mentioned last July the "Stopovers" Guide, digital version of the block Navy published by the Figaro group. It would seem that the remarks I made on the improperly fragmented Division of these guides have been heard : version 2017 see the reduced number of modules 17 up to 12 for the channel-Atlantic coast, and 13 up to 10 for the Mediterranean. This is a welcome initiative !

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Stopovers – the digital version of the Marine block

I wrote at the beginning of this year the largest although I thought of Digital Almanac, the digitized version of the Reed's Nautical Almanac. The Figaro group, Publisher of the www, owner of weather-Consult / The weather channel and the edge book – Bloc Marine, published since late 2014 «Guides stopovers., the digitized version of the Navy block on iBook Store. Read more …

Navily facilitates the stops in a few taps

In recent years, the French startups have blossomed into the world of boating. UniverSail, Samboat, Hey Captain, Nauting, DoLink, ShareMySea, Boaterfly, BigSkipper, and I certainly forget. Their common denominator is to appeal to digital to implement an idea that intends to provide a unique service to boaters. How many will survive ? Hard to say, but they all have the merit of dust papa yacht aimed at the younger generation of practitioners of watersports. Community information sharing, co-location, "bla-bla-boat", as many answers to new attitudes in the practice of recreational boating.

Among them, one particularly seduced me, Navily.

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