Our friend Guillaume Bolo, the first in France to have offered for many years a very elaborate web interface presenting SHOM predictions – tide.info – is also the developer of the excellent app marée info for iPad, iPhone and Apple Watch. Copied but never equaled by SHOM itself, who ended up giving up, he will soon offer us a superb evolution… Read more …
Label : tides
Marée.info is evolving its offering
You know all the good things I think about this excellent application. Unfortunately, many users did not understand that the “Free” download was intended solely to allow testing of the application before subscribing to the data.. This misunderstanding caused dissatisfaction and the developer took it into account.
Since the last update, access to all tide stations is free for the current day : Read more …
Marée info : SHOM tides prediction on iPhone [Update]
Thousands of users have known about the excellent website for several years tide.info which offers the tidal times and heights of the SHOM for all the coast stations of the Channel and the Atlantic. Boaters, professional fishermen, beach fishermen, kite surfers and other relevant users visit daily the information pages of this website.
Its author, Guillaume Bolo, set about creating an app for iPhone (iPad compatible) using the content of its website, but with the particularity of providing, for a low subscription (*), tides for a whole year. The data are tidal predictions from SHOM, reproduced with permission by contract. Their reliability therefore leaves no doubt, although SHOM does not control the content before editing. Read more …
Are the tidal predictions reliable ?
All navigation software offer predictions of tides, more or less long range, that cover the coasts of the whole world. Where come these predictions from ? How are they established ? What is their reliability ? These are all questions that any conscientious yachtman is entitled to ask.
View the currents on electronic charts ?
I deliberately title this article in the form of a question. Many users, all countries included, want the visualization of currents in Richard Ray's applications. Indeed, there is no display function of the currents in GPSNavX, MacENC and iNavX. It is a deliberate choice by the developer because there are many data sources and all hydrographic services are unwilling to provide their files in digital format. In addition, Users are likely to take data displayed on their cards as safe and certain, With consequences that could engage the liability of the publisher and legal risks, especially in the USA, too big for the developer. Read more …
AyeTides – World tides with iPad
AyeTides XL, tides prediction application of Hahn Software LLC, is available since 2 nd August on AppStore. Issue of the software AyeTides for Mac and AyeTides for iPhone, the iPad version offers a completely new user interface to take advantage of the size and definition of the screen.
With more than 12.500 tides and currents stations around the world, dont 160 stations in France, the app presents times and heights of tide level based on the US public software XTide (*) using harmonic data and tidal predictions from the National Ocean Service (NOAA). Numerous corrections have been made in order to obtain predictions with an average of less than 3% deviation from the predictions of official bodies, like the SHOM for France, and database updates are frequent and always free.