
Navionics Boating : Garmin updates charts and pricing… on the rise !

As you might expect, Garmin cleaned up the offer and pricing of Navionics Boating charts at the beginning of the year 2024. No more large areas (like the Mediterranean) up to 35 € ! Several zones are redefined and the Read more …

UKHO postpones removal of paper Admiralty charts

L’UKHO diffère la suppression des cartes marines papier de l’Amirauté

British backpedaling : UKHO postpones phasing out of paper Admiralty charts to at least 2030 ! Six months after setting the target of 2026 for the complete withdrawal from production of all paper navigation charts (¹), Read more …

Announced end of UKHO paper nautical charts

Fin annoncée des cartes marines papier de l’UKHO

After NOAA (¹) and SHOM (²), United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has just announced its intention to take steps to phase out the production of the world's nautical paper charts by the end of 2026 in order to Read more …

C-Map is the ping-pong ball for industrial groups

C-Map fait la balle de ping-pong des groupes industriels

An event that occurred last summer escaped the vigilance that I try to maintain on the nautical economy. Fortunately my friends from Geogarage have just filled this gap. In the field of private electronic cartography, players Read more …

SHOM removes facsimiles from UK charts

Le SHOM supprime les fac-similés des cartes britanniques

With the latest update to the SHOM card portfolio on 16 September 2021, Geogarage announces the deletion of 18 facsimile charts from British charts covering, mainly, the south coast of England and Gibraltar. These areas are now only covered Read more …

The S-100 standard for ENC charts is quickly evolving [Update]

in May 1992, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) had adopted a standard aimed at defining the specifications of electronic charts, the ENC, used by ships, as well as the devices that display them, called ECDIS. This standard was Read more …

Electronic charts and updates… be prudent !

Over the last few years, I have expressed myself several times on the quality and reliability levels of the electronic charts we use in yachting., more particularly with the navigation applications of our mobile devices (¹). Since Read more …

Weather4D Routing & Navigation supports Imray charts

With yesterday's delivery of the version 2.0.54, Weather4D Adds Imray Cards (¹) to the Routing version & Navigation, recently available in the Geogarage catalog. Five layers cover the Atlantic facade (²) , North Sea and Shetlands Read more …

Smart navigation – From paper charts to augmented reality

I relayed here, in French, an article in the British magazine Yachting Monthly (¹) the 30 th. The subject deals with the debate between paper charts and electronic navigation, by stating many truths, but sometimes one or two Read more …

The magnetic north pole on the move [Update]

The magnetic north pole of the Earth is rapidly moving away from the Canadian Arctic to Siberia. Scientists NCEI (¹) have updated the World Magnetic Model (WMM) 2020.

Geogarage to introduce ENC charts for Weather4D

Geogarage, the mapping platform of raster charts derived from official services, today introduced two ENC-S57 rasterized charts layers for Weather4D Routing & Navigation, covering Spain and Croatia. The recent update June, 12 June Read more …

Are electronic charts prescribed in France ? [Update]

This question comes back to me from time to time, and as no one is supposed to ignore the law, I feel obliged to make my contribution to the edification of the crowds (boating) providing a collective response.

Navionics Boating mutating

Since Garmin has acquired Navionics (¹), it will not take more than a year for Navionics also make its small (r)evolution in its flagship iOS and Android application . New logo, renouncing the multiplicity of applications, abandonment of Read more …

Fugawi charts service is discontinued [Update]

It's official, the 30 November 2018, Johnson Outdoors Company, recent recipient of Fugawi (*), decided to stop its activities. After discontinuing the distribution of their PC navigation software in August 2017, to have Read more …

Reading : « Beaufort, l’amiral du vent" by Raymond Reding

Lecture : « Beaufort, l’amiral du vent » de Raymond Reding

It's been a long time since I've written a book report in this section.... Lack of time, or lack of discovery ? I again found a real enthusiasm in literary reading this excellent book Read more …

The stakeholders of electronic charting [Update-2]

Les acteurs de la cartographie électronique [MAJ-2]

In April 2010 I published a ticket to be the main actors of the electronic mapping. Passing time, to refresh this information, due to recent corporate moves. Some have disappeared, as Maptech, plus Read more …

Digital charts : purchase or subscription [Update] ?

[Update 3 March 2019] With the multiple charts disappearances during the successive updates of iNavX, I received a number of requests for assistance in the recovery of the said charts. Regardless of whether I am Read more …

The new boundaries of the NV Charts

I had presented in may 2015 the excellent German Publisher Verlag NV NV Charts raster maps. In 2016, the previous cutting in 4 areas for France - Channel and Atlantic coasts - has been split into 8 areas Read more …

C-Map back to Europe

C-Map revient en Europe

Yachtmen my friends, do you know Altor ? Of course not, don't look for, me either until this morning. Altor is an investor in Northern Europe that presents itself as : “Altor is a family of private investment funds focused Read more …

Does Navionics charting become dangerous [Update] ?

Since the beginning of the navigation season, many boaters have found an increasing number of errors on Navionics charts, as a result of recent updates, all media. A bit everywhere in Europe, Germany, Baltic countries, Read more …

Reading : 'Electronic charting' HS48 Voiles et Voiliers

Lecture : « Cartographie électronique » HS48 Voiles et Voiliers

Since late 2012 I found no more of maritime books causing me the overwhelming desire to share, like a few novels described in this topic 'Reading'. Today this feeling resumes me, in any other order of idea, up to Read more …

Raster Charts… the comeback [Update]

Cartographie Raster… le grand retour [MAJ]

[Update 26 August 2018] I was for many years a strong advocate for vector maps. compact, a low numerical weight, easy to update, they are ideal for use on our mobile devices. According to the good old man Read more …

Navionics charts trade policy [Update-5]

Trade policy for Navionics charts purchased on the website x - has - again - been reviewed in recent weeks, at the same time as the 'My Account' page has changed. These changes are unfortunately not the Read more …

Electronic charts : scales and overscale [Update]

A recent email exchange with a Mediterranean user drew my attention to a specific aspect of electronic charting : zoom limitation of a chart. ENC vector charts (¹) are classified in 6 categories based Read more …

Navionics Boating : Italian at the top of business [Update]

How make the new with the old ? Navionics knows ! After publishing geographic areas including a navigation application, now here is an application, but without charting. Italian are too much ! Navionics Boating vient compléter, from Read more …

British vector charts with NavLink

Early this year 2014 is decidedly fertile in new navigation applications. After NavPlay et Navionics Boating, Here NavLink UK edited by Digital Yacht. We know well that British company, located in Bristol, for these numerous devices for connecting Read more …

Charting, the game of 7 errors

A recent thread on the forum Oh and Hisse, I salute by the way, I challenged the accuracy of the chart data provided on the electronic charts. The issue concerns the fact that, in some location, Read more …

Paper marine charts to disappear, revolution or ineluctable evolution? ?

In its newsletter of 22 October 2013, l’Office of Coast Survey, Department of NOAA (*) responsible for the production of nautical charts of the U.S.A., announces the end of the printing paper charts. This announcement came as a bombshell Read more …

Charting compared, mixed results

Three weeks and 600 nautical miles of sailing between the mainland and the Balearic Islands have allowed me to test in live some of iPad maritime applications we have. Warning : there is no question of giving myself to a comparison Read more …

BlueChart Mobile, Garmin went up on iPad

After posting version 1.0 on August 1 2012 gone relatively unnoticed, Garmin updated version 1.0.3 fully completed of its app on January, 2 2013. BlueChart Mobile, today only for Apple iOS devices, Read more …

Imray Marine 2.0

The 7 June 2012, Imray has released its navigation app for iPhone and iPad. It is now a free app and includes online charts purchase directly from the application. Two Channel maps are always supplied as standard for Read more …

Plan2Nav the C-Map charting on iPhone/iPad

The application Jeppesen Marine Plan2Nav arrived on iTunes AppStore during September for iPhone and iPad. As I detailed in a previous post (¹), the Italian company C-Map has been owned 2007 by the US Jeppesen, leader in aerial mapping, dependent Read more …

Free ENC river charts for use with MacENC

As part of its policy to offer users a leak ever more efficient and safe, the public institution Waterways of France has launched the production of electronic inland navigation charts on different axes Read more …

iSailor, charts are available for France

Transas has updated the list of new maps available for iSailor, include coasts of France : ∙ Germany ∙ Australia ∙ Bermuda ∙ Canada ∙ Denmark ∙ Egypt ∙ Spain ∙ Estonia ∙ Finland ∙ France ∙ Read more …

iSailor : Transas charts on iPhone and iPad

In France, mariners know little, or not at all, about Transas company of Russian origin. The Transas Group is nevertheless one of the world's leading professional of navigation software . Founded in 1990 to St. Petersbourgh, it opens its first office Read more …

Navionics Charts 2011

  Navionics recent weeks published new versions of its charts regions stamped 2011. A new file of Navionics charts “Gold Marine Charts 2011 "Has been added in the" Add more cards "function of iNavX. Read more …

Imray charts are coming on iPhone and iPad

A bit of history Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson LTD is private publisher of charts and nautical books the best known of England. It is also the oldest, heir of the first private publishers of nautical charts of the 18th century, the Read more …

Visit the ocean floor

NOAA has posted a superb animated digital mapping seabed. A few thousand feet below our keel, this fantastic scenery is breathtaking. I can't help but relay it to you with the Read more …

The difficult choice of electronic charting

Which to choose ? Raster ? Vector ? What costs, for which application, how to Navigation ? As many questions as most of you arise, and rightly. I will try to shed some light. Although the visit Read more …

Navionics new offer on AppStore

The 23 December, Navionics has posted on the AppStore new charting apps for iPhone and iPad. This offer fully replaces the previous, without the possibility of updating. The new version is now numbered 1.0 and Read more …

About Marine Charting

De la cartographie maritime

Christmas is coming and, the party is religious or pagan, so traditional gifts. You've no doubt guessed my passion for marine charting, but before electronic charts, I have a particular attachment to cards Read more …

View the currents on electronic charts ?

I voluntarily under this article as a query. Many users, all countries included, wish visualization common in applications Richard Ray. Indeed, there is no display function of the currents in GPSNavX, Read more …

Navionics Mobile and Community Sharing

Once will not hurt, I relayed the information in French that can not blog Panbo an interested users of mobile devices Apple. You can read the full US article "Navionics Mobile, UGC & Plotter Sync ”from which I take this post. Read more …

The stakeholders of electronic charting

Navionics charts, C-Map charts, BlueChart, MapMedia… You will admit that it is difficult to navigate all these brands of electronic mapping. Who owns whom ? What works with what ? To allow you to see more clearly, I therefore took a Read more …

Print charts with GPSNavX / MacENC

Both applications offer direct printing of screen content. It is very convenient to print a chart, whatever the scale used to screen. Indeed, Print this concerns only the chart content visible on screen, Read more …

ENC User Permit, what is ?

The "user permit" of ENC charts is a unique identifying number attached to a device, or application, able to read encrypted ENC chart data (S-63 format). This "User Permit" is required to register a system (reader Read more …

Navionics knows no crisis…

Many users wonder about the redundancy of Navionics. Examples : "I bought an SD-Card (or CF-Card) with a Navionics region for my chartplotter, but I can not use it with my Mac. Why do i have to pay Read more …

The price of Navionics Gold

A point on the price of Navionics Gold , depending of media, is necessary. I will use as example the folio (Region called by the publisher) 46XG concerns us directly : Read more …
