
Currents and waves at hectometric resolution from Ifremer (Episode 2)

Les courants et vagues à résolution hectométrique de l’Ifremer (Épisode 2)

Episode 2 – Illustrations Les prévisions IFREMER (voir Épisode 1) available in Weather4D are of two kinds : Prévisions de courants issues du modèle MARS2D Prévisions d’état de la mer (combined currents and waves) sur la base du modèle WW3 Ces Read more …

Currents and waves at hectometric resolution from Ifremer (Episode 1)

Les courants et vagues à résolution hectométrique de l’Ifremer (Épisode 1)

Episode 1 – Description Depuis le 7 May 2024 the latest versions of Weather4D have been enriched with several new weather and ocean models (¹). Among the latter, les modèles de prévisions de courants et de vagues à ultra hautes Read more …

GRIB files and time zones

Fichiers GRIB et fuseaux horaires

An incomprehensible malfunction occurred recently for a Weather4D user, sailing in a “lost hole” on the edge of the Indian Ocean, namely the Cocos Islands, challenged me to the point of getting lost in conjectures. Un fichier GFS à Read more …

El Niño weakening in the Pacific

El Niño en voie d’affaiblissement dans le Pacifique

Following the forecast of an El Niño episode that began in March 2023 (¹) and confirmed the following June (²), this climatic phenomenon of the Pacific Ocean, called ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation), has been strengthened to the point where Read more …

Prendre la météo par téléphone satellite [Update V.1.9]

Updated 1.9 tutorials : Prendre la météo par téléphone satellite Get Weather forecast with Satphone at Sea. Correction mise en œuvre GOexec® avec Weather4D –––

El Niño strengthens in the Pacific

El Niño continues to develop in the tropical Pacific. Forecasters expect the phenomenon to continue into the spring, with 75 up to 85 % chances of it becoming an intense event. An El Niño plus Read more …

Prendre la météo par téléphone satellite [Update V.1.8]

Updated 1.8 tutorials : Prendre la météo par téléphone satellite Get Weather forecast with Satphone at Sea. What's new ? Complete overhaul of books : descriptive, tariffs, implementations, screenshots. Introduction and implementation Read more …

El Niño is back

After three years of La Niña (¹) in the tropical Pacific Ocean (mid-2020 to mid-2023) having brought a fairly calm weather situation on Polynesia : regular trade winds, lack of hurricane, mainly dry weather, This idyllic situation will be reversed Read more …

ECMWF, major forecasts update in 2023

CEPMMT, mise à jour majeure des prévisions en 2023

Florence Rabier, CEO of ECMWF, has developed February the 13 February the projects of the European Centre for Meteorology in the medium term for 2023 (¹). It announced a major update to the IFS forecasting model (²) planned in Read more …

The European Union is moving towards Open Data

L’Union Européenne avance vers l’Open Data

  Europe is moving forward in small steps, but it moves forward… Towards open access to data from public services ! The 21 December 2022 was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, under reference C/2022/9562, the "Implementing Regulations" Read more …

Marine Guide Météo-France 2022 [Update]

Guide Marine Météo-France 2022 [MAJ]

The Marine Guide October 2022 for the yachting of Météo-France has been updated. All the detailed information and the means to take the weather forecast at sea, from the coast to the open sea. All frequencies and schedules Read more …

GRIB2 weather files in Weather4D

With the Routing version & Navigation 2.0.81, Weather4D supports weather files in GRIB2 format by external download. For example, the very high resolution ICON-D2 model (¹) of the Deutscher Wetterdienst(DWD) for Northern Europe can be opened in Read more …

Share GRIB files with Air Share [Update]

Partager les fichiers GRIB avec Air Share [MAJ]

You are more likely to have adopted the Iridium GO! for its easy way to request GRIB files, directly from Weather4D and some other applications. But some also want to transfer these files to PC for Read more …

ECMWF weather data soon open to the public [3rd part]

Les données météo du CEPMMT bientôt ouvertes au public [3e partie]

Trafalgar Hit for the flagship of European meteorology, despite Brexit and contrary to what had been planned (¹), European Center for Medium-Term Weather Forecast to stay in England ! Even better, a new Read more …

Are GRIB files consistently optimistic ?

Les fichiers GRIB sont-ils systématiquement optimistes ?

I've been asked this question regularly, but until now I've never wanted to give my opinion on the subject publicly, so as not to offend anyone or create unnecessary controversy.. But by dint of doing it Read more …

Alternative weather models [Update]

[Updated 29 July 2022] For several years, forecast files in GRIB format have been widely used in meteorological applications.. The majority of forecasting models have been made available in open access by the Read more …

Predict thunderstorms with Weather4D

Prévoir les orages avec Weather4D

In Weather4D applications (all versions) most weather models offer a data called the CAPE. Convective Available Potential Energy, in French : Energie potentielle de convection disponible. Behind this abstruse acronym hides a powerful tool for forecasting thunderstorms. The Read more …

Reading : "Clouds and other meteors" Météo-France

Lecture : « Nuages et autres météores » Météo-France

In an article updated in August 2020 (¹), I have described nautical books in digital format that can be usefully saved on iPad in the Apple Books app. Among them I mentioned the works of Météo-France available in PDF format Read more …

You said « Medicane » ?

Vous avez dit « Medicane » ?

Many sailors who cross the "Big Blue" have known for ages that, if the navigation is relatively easy, the weather represents a particularly difficult constraint to deal. Indeed, if the coasts are mostly steep and the dangers Read more …

Introduction to Marine Weather [2021]

The new tutorial "Introduction to Marine Weather" is available on the iBook Store (¹). A complete reworking of the originally published book in 2015, new layout, clearer and more readable in portrait mode, ful revision of the text, update Read more …

New major evolution of the GFS model

NOAA (¹) annouced on 22 March a major upgrade to its GFS weather forecast model. For the first time, le Global Forecasting System (GFS), NOAA's flagship weather forecast model (¹) will be coupled to Read more …

Sea state : interpret wave patterns

In Weather4D, as generally in other applications, sea ​​state forecasts are described by ocean models. The most used is the WW3 model (Wave Watch III), published by the FNMOC (Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center) Read more …

ECMWF weather data soon open to the public [2rd part]

Les données météo du CEPMMT bientôt ouvertes au public [2e partie]

Source : The Parliament Mag par Umberto Modigliani, deputy director of forecasts of ECMWF, responsible, with the department director, continuous production of forecasts and user relations. Beginning of October, the European Center for Forecasts Read more …

ECMWF weather data soon open to the public [1st part]

Les données météo du CEPMMT bientôt ouvertes au public [1ère partie]

Created in 1975 at the initiative of members of the European Union, the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast is an independent intergovernmental organization whose headquarters, to date, is located in Reading, England. ECMWF is funded by Read more …

Receive facsimile weather maps with an iPad [Update]

HF Weather Fax Black Cat Systems is an application for decoding facsimile weather maps on an iPad, an iPhone or Android device. The analysis and forecast maps are provided by radio stations Read more …

Receive graphical weather maps on iPad [Update]

Weather analysis and forecasting maps developed by the NOAA (USA) and the Met Office (UK) cover vast areas over the Wold. They can be obtained by mail by sending a request by mail to the weather server Read more …

The weather models war will take place [Update]

I relayais in December 2018 an excellent article published on the blog of our friends Geogarage, which are a permanent duty of a press review of the best foreign articles about mapping, meteorology, and more generally all Read more …

Reading : « Beaufort, l’amiral du vent" by Raymond Reding

Lecture : « Beaufort, l’amiral du vent » de Raymond Reding

It's been a long time since I've written a book report in this section.... Lack of time, or lack of discovery ? I again found a real enthusiasm in literary reading this excellent book Read more …

Iridium Mail & Web app : GRIB weather files on iPhone and iPad in open sea [Update-2]

[Update 15 February 2019] The recent update of the Iridium Mail app & Web gives me the opportunity to refresh the ticket originally written in December 2011. RedPort's Wi-Fi Optimizer gateway allows owners Read more …

Météo-France GRIB files finally for free

A year after my advocacy for free European data (¹) Météo-France finally offers free access to its two famous ARPEGE and AROME models. A welcome development, initiated in 2014 the success of the project MyOcean, Read more …

New GFS grid 0.25° model

By a notification corrected the 23 December 2014 (¹), the NWS (National Weather Service) NOAA has announced a major update of its weather predictions GFS model to be effective in mid-January 2015. Actually, Read more …

Advocacy for free European data

This could be a subject of the Bachelor's degree in economics, and although I am never presented me with this review (due post-soixante-huitarde incompatibility and chronic cancrisme) the subject seems sufficiently imminent and serious attempt Read more …

Weather4D still makes greater finesse

With the basic 1.3.3 and PRO versions 1.3.9 delivered in November, Weather4D had replaced the GRIB files fine mesh Great Circle by its own files based on the American model WRF (¹), based on its own Read more …

iNavX 3.6.1 with high-resolution GRIB files

Since version 3.6.1 iNavX display provides GRIB weather files, high-resolution This site English society Kona Ltd is the developer of the application GribView I mentioned in a previous post (¹). An account Read more …

Atlas of the Oceans, Pilot Charts revisited

The Atlas of Oceans by Jimmy and Ivan Cornell is a gold mine in color A3 size of over one kilogram. This one will not fit in an iPad ! 60 pilot charts updated with the most recent data, Read more …

Navigation with iPad trainings : a complete solution

Avec Weather4D PRO et AxcessPoint, associated with an Iridium satellite phone, we now have a complete solution, reliable and low cost to receive, display and manage GRIB files in open seas with iPad. iNavX and Navionics Read more …

Weather4D PRO 1.0 includes routes from iNavX

The new application for iOS Weather4D PRO (iPhone / iPad), developed by Olivier Bouyssou, was submited yesterday to Apple. It provides advanced features associated with GRIB files for demanding users. It complements the Weather4D application that has got to be Read more …

When Katia meets La Louise

Thierry Dubois and his crew, Jacques Vermeulen experimenting with the Iridium connection with its new MacBook Air, should not laugh at a time when I post this short note. La Louise, conveying from Newfoundland to La Trinité, Read more …

Weather4D 1.2 présenté au Grand Pavois

Weather4D 1.2 will be introduced by the designer, Olivier Bouyssou, at Grand Pavois boat show in La Rochelle from 15 until 17 September's stand This new version 1.2, which will be available as an update on the iTunes App Store Read more …

zyGrib for Mac now really "Apple like"

zyGrib, the GRIB weather file viewer developed for Linux and well-known PC world, been ported to Mac, since version 5.0, is a real progress compared to earlier versions. Since early 2011 the Read more …

Meteo Consult embarks on iPhone and iPad

Founded in 1988, Meteo Consult the company was the first private weather in France. It was mainly developed forecasting services paid for professional, leaving the public service Meteo France caring for Free forecast Read more …

Weather4D 1.1 iPad and iPhone, on top.

Two months after out for iPhone, Weather4D (¹), by surprising Olivier Bouyssou, comes with a fully optimized version for iPad, with the modest release number 1.1. This unique iPhone / iPad version is therefore a simple update Read more …

Disturbances in the GRIB files

The disturbances are not only atmospheric, sometimes they are also in the transmission of GRIB files ! Some of you alert me for two or three days about difficulties to receive files, or the absence Read more …

The GRIB files with iNavX

With versions 3.1.6 and 3.1.7, iNavX improved GRIB files request by proposing a new window settings. As MacENC, can now choose several settings for required files, in order to optimize the size Read more …

The GRIB files in GPSNavX and MacENC

Weather in the menu allows these applications to query a weather GRIB file and then view it on the map open. The function Request GRIB file queries the server that returns in Read more …

The shipping forecast on the iPhone

In a previous post about my favorite apps for iPhone, I cited two weather apps : La Chaine Météo, very good general weather application from Meteo Consult, Weather and iSailing offering marine weather maps based files Read more …

GribView 2.0, Finally a free GRIB viewer for Mac OS X !

We hoped for a while GRIB.US, Theyre that she came. The English company Kona Ltd., Site Owner Meteorology has posted its application GribView 2.0, for Windows and OS X.

Feedback on the storm "Xynthia"

Needless to reverse the damage caused on the coast of Vendée and Charente Maritime, the media have made it largely echoed. I just want to use this violent weather episode to illustrate the forecast that has it. Read more …

The voice of the shipping forecast

The shipping forecast, or rather I should write : Marine Weather, with uppercase, is on modern browsers what the ancient gods in our distant ancestors : a permanent reference to the conduct of our lives.
1 – The Long Waves

Not so long ago, This deity addressed us, marine trade, fishermen and boaters, by a heavenly voice carried by the waves. Our High Priestess, Marie-Pierre Planchon, informing us twice a day for, happy or fearful, that we might know as we venture over the waves. In that time the weather had a name and a voice, recognizable at once ear. Read more …
