
Currents and waves at hectometric resolution from Ifremer (Episode 2)

Les courants et vagues à résolution hectométrique de l’Ifremer (Épisode 2)

Episode 2 – Illustrations Les prévisions IFREMER (voir Épisode 1) available in Weather4D are of two kinds : Prévisions de courants issues du modèle MARS2D Prévisions d’état de la mer (combined currents and waves) sur la base du modèle WW3 Ces Read more …

Currents and waves at hectometric resolution from Ifremer (Episode 1)

Les courants et vagues à résolution hectométrique de l’Ifremer (Épisode 1)

Episode 1 – Description Depuis le 7 May 2024 the latest versions of Weather4D have been enriched with several new weather and ocean models (¹). Among the latter, les modèles de prévisions de courants et de vagues à ultra hautes Read more …

GRIB files and time zones

Fichiers GRIB et fuseaux horaires

An incomprehensible malfunction occurred recently for a Weather4D user, sailing in a “lost hole” on the edge of the Indian Ocean, namely the Cocos Islands, challenged me to the point of getting lost in conjectures. Un fichier GFS à Read more …

Weather4D R&N 2.0.92 -New charts update

Mise à jour Weather4D R&N 2.0.92 -Nouvelles cartographies

As part of the gradual conversion from raster maps to ENC vector maps (¹) on the Geogarage platform, Weather4D Routing & Navigation now includes the following ENC catalogs : Portugal (derived from the productions of the Portuguese Hydrographic Service Read more …

Major update to Weather4D manuals

Mise à jour majeure des manuels Weather4D

Following the complete renewal of weather and ocean forecasting models in the latest version of the three Weather4D applications (Lite, Routing, Routing & Navigation) the revised English and French User Guides are now available to download.

Weather4D renews its GRIB model offering

Weather4D renouvelle son offre de modèles GRIB

The Latest Lite Versions, Routing, Routing & Navigation arrive with a completely revised list of weather and ocean models in order to allow users to benefit from the evolution of the offer of international forecasting models. At the same time, all the Read more …

Weather4D R&N and distance calculations

Weather4D R&N et le calcul des distances

Since the advent of ARM-based Macs (M1… M3…) and the macOS system 11 Big Sur, Weather4D Routing & Navigation runs natively on our favorite computers (¹). But this happy event was not going to, since then, without a few small restrictions. The Read more …

Weather4D and the unable-to-route syndrome

Yachtmen my friends, many of you still have difficulty with the subtleties of the routing function in Weather4D, Despite the pages dedicated to routing errors in both user manuals (¹), that are accessible from the application by a Read more …

Weather4D User Guides and SplitView Feature [Update]

Manuels Weather4D et fonction SplitView [MAJ]

For those who don't know yet, from iOS 11 it is possible to run two applications simultaneously on an iPad in landscape mode (¹). This is particularly useful for consulting User Manuals for different versions of Weather4D Read more …

Weather4D 100% compatible with NKE

Weather4D 100% compatible avec NKE

Sailors my friends who love regattas and offshore racing, if you are equipped with the excellent French instrumentation NKE (¹), enjoy ! With the latest version 2.0.81 Weather4D Routing & Navigation now supports the full transfer of performance data Read more …

GRIB2 weather files in Weather4D

With the Routing version & Navigation 2.0.81, Weather4D supports weather files in GRIB2 format by external download. For example, the very high resolution ICON-D2 model (¹) of the Deutscher Wetterdienst(DWD) for Northern Europe can be opened in Read more …

Weather4D with Mac M1

Weather4D sur Mac M1

We've been talking about it since 2020 on the Facebook group of Weather4D users, the Weather4D Routing application & Navigation (¹) now works on ARM-based Macs : Mac M1 and later, from macOS 11.x ("Big Sur" and Read more …

Weather4D Routing User Guide

Manuel utilisateur Weather4D Routage

New publication of the Weather4D Routing User Manual in French. Warning, this is a new version to download which replaces the previous one (¹). The old guide should be removed from your library in the Apple Books app.

Weather4D Lite User Manual

Manuel utilisateur Weather4D Lite

New publication of the Weather4D Lite User Manual in French. Warning, this is a new version to download which replaces the previous one (¹). The old guide should be removed from your library in the Apple Books app.

Alternative weather models [Update]

[Updated 29 July 2022] For several years, forecast files in GRIB format have been widely used in meteorological applications.. The majority of forecasting models have been made available in open access by the Read more …

Predict thunderstorms with Weather4D

Prévoir les orages avec Weather4D

In Weather4D applications (all versions) most weather models offer a data called the CAPE. Convective Available Potential Energy, in French : Energie potentielle de convection disponible. Behind this abstruse acronym hides a powerful tool for forecasting thunderstorms. The Read more …

The Logbook in Weather4D Routing & Navigation

With update 2.0.57 entering a logbook is now available in Weather4D Routing & Navigation. Data transfer in the Navygatio web interface (¹) allows logbook entries to be recorded in near real time Read more …

Weather4D and iOS Local Network

Weather4D et Réseau Local iOS

From iOS / iPadOS version 14.5, a new setting has appeared proposing to allow application access to the Local Network. This option is offered when installing a new application, but is not necessarily activated if the application is already installed when Read more …

Weather4D Routing User Guide & Navigation

Manuel utilisateur Weather4D Routage & Navigation

New publication of the Weather4D Routing User Manual & Navigation French version. Warning, this is a new version to download which replaces the previous one (¹). The old guide should be removed from your library in the Apple Books app.

Navygatio : Weather4D's 5th dimension [Update]

Weather4D Routing & Navigation brings a major innovation : the Navygatio service (¹), a web interface which will allow to record the navigations on a server as time goes by, to add photos, to share own page with relatives, Read more …

Sea state : interpret wave patterns

In Weather4D, as generally in other applications, sea ​​state forecasts are described by ocean models. The most used is the WW3 model (Wave Watch III), published by the FNMOC (Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center) Read more …

Routing : from reality to game (episode 3)

While, this morning of the 9th day, Hugo Boss at the head of the Vendée Globe 2020 finishes crossing the "Doldrums" at a slow trot(¹), followed by the fleet of competitors stretching out behind him to the north of the Read more …

Routing : from game to reality (continue)

Friday 13 November will not be a lucky day for the Vendée Globe skippers 2020 (¹). They will have to negotiate the meeting with the tropical storm "Theta" which crosses their course with average winds that can Read more …

Routing : from game to reality

On the second day of racing in this Vendée Globe 2020, we can say that the weather conditions that the skippers will experience on the descent to the Doldrums will be particularly tough. After a start by a weather Read more …

Weather4D embarks on the Vendée Globe 2020 [Break News]

No, This is not a joke ! Weather4D embarks with SailGrib on the Vendée Globe 2020 with Virtual Regatta. The two friends Henri and Olivier have jointly developed a routing module directly integrated into the game. Philippe Guigné, the Read more …

Weather4D Routing & Navigation supports Imray charts

With yesterday's delivery of the version 2.0.54, Weather4D Adds Imray Cards (¹) to the Routing version & Navigation, recently available in the Geogarage catalog. Five layers cover the Atlantic facade (²) , North Sea and Shetlands Read more …

Geogarage to introduce ENC charts for Weather4D

Geogarage, the mapping platform of raster charts derived from official services, today introduced two ENC-S57 rasterized charts layers for Weather4D Routing & Navigation, covering Spain and Croatia. The recent update June, 12 June Read more …

Weather4D and SailGrib improve the AIS network

Many AIS tracking networks broadcast over the Internet are available. Among the best known : Marine Traffic, Vessel Finder, SiiTech, LocalizaTodo, and many others. One of these networks especially stands out, AISHub, an AIS data sharing center Read more …

VMG / VMC – for Dummies

Navigation applications are full of acronyms. This coded and cryptic language was originally developed for electronic navigation instruments, GPS mapping and other chartplotters. These acronyms, in the form of three letters most often, are contracting Read more …

Man Over Board

At all times the sailors had the fear of the sea fall. Even with a trained crew, the operation of recovering a crew water fallen is risky, Already with the engine, even more with the sail. Read more …

Weather4D – User Guides updated

Christmas comes soon, and Apple Books Store will close its doors for the holidays. Publishers are required to send their works according to a prescribed schedule. So I updated ahead textbooks users in French and English Read more …

New for Weather4D

The last update of the three applications Weather4D (Lite, Routing, Routing & Navigation) several user-requested improvements in the display of meteograms. But what is less obvious is a big job on our maps in Read more …

Weather4D makes its (r)evolution

Hear, hear ye, hardy boaters, new Weather4D applications come up ! I wrote "the" in the plural. Both historical applications of Sarl APP4NAV,  Weather4D (March 2011) et Weather4D Pro (November 2011 ), evolve into the interface of the now famous Read more …

iOS 11 and navigation applications

Among the many new features provided by iOS 11, I particularly enjoyed the improved multitasking functions. The addition of a retractable "Dock" in the MacOS way, the "SlideOver" function associated with the "SplitView" function already present in iOS 10. This will greatly improve Read more …

Digital charts : purchase or subscription [Update] ?

[Update 3 March 2019] With the multiple charts disappearances during the successive updates of iNavX, I received a number of requests for assistance in the recovery of the said charts. Regardless of whether I am Read more …

Weather4D 2.0.20 The unlimited charting

Weather4D 2.0.20 La cartographie illimitée

We hoped for months, were expected, We waited - or we grew impatient, it depends - Well, here it is : last update Weather4D 2.0.20 is finally available ! On the menu a major improvement : the Read more …

Iridium Mail & Web app : GRIB weather files on iPhone and iPad in open sea [Update-2]

[Update 15 February 2019] The recent update of the Iridium Mail app & Web gives me the opportunity to refresh the ticket originally written in December 2011. RedPort's Wi-Fi Optimizer gateway allows owners Read more …

The Weather4D 2.0 new is arrived

No holiday for developers ! I mentioned the upcoming new features tests during our long journey from Corsica to Normandy last May. After several weeks of finalization, and especially to early adaptation to future Read more …

Weather4D 2.0.11 a bunch of new features and improvements

Delivered in AppStore this morning after two weeks of revisions and contre-revisions of Apple services, still more picky, the new version is finally available. On the menu and in bulk : AIS by internet with AISHub, and direct access to Geogarage Read more …

Buy charts on Geogarage

Weather4D Routing & Navigation offers a variety of raster maps from numerous international hydrographic services. Charts folders are available for application on the French web server Geogarage. The cards are subject to an annual subscription by publisher Read more …

Weather4D 2.0 revisits navigation on iPad [Update]

Weather4D 2.0 is available on the Apple AppStore (*). After the success of the first two versions, APP4NAV company just revisit chart navigation on iPad and iPhone by integrating the timing dimension. With simulations and weather routing, Read more …

iPolar 2.0 and new Weather4D arrived

iPolar 2.0 comes with several improvements, which one expected from the origin : the ability to export the polar by mail. Done, and more export of polar (simple or multi-voiles) is done systematically in 3 file formats : CSV, Read more …

Weather4D still makes greater finesse

With the basic 1.3.3 and PRO versions 1.3.9 delivered in November, Weather4D had replaced the GRIB files fine mesh Great Circle by its own files based on the American model WRF (¹), based on its own Read more …

ENCs, Routing and sailing shaves stone

The relationship of a recent experience of an iNavX user and Weather4D PRO routing function invites me to bring a warning to the attention of novices boaters in computer use. A regatta course, starting Read more …

Weather4D PRO 1.3.3 improves routing

Improvements… No respite for this application : two and half months after joining the currents in the routing calculation, this latest version provides significant advances on this function. Improvements bring greater precision Read more …

Weather4D PRO 1.3.2 adds the currents in the routing

With version 1.3.2, Weather4D PRO allows to get and display currents as GRIB data. At first, currents available on subscription are provided by the company Tidetech, I mentioned there are already some Read more …

iPolar generates speed polars for Weather4D PRO

You dreamed of it since Weather4D Pro has featured its powerful routing module. He did ! Our Toulousian crazy developer, Olivier Bouyssou, just sent Apple a new app : iPolar. Developed in collaboration with - and for the Read more …

Routing comes up in Weather4D PRO 1.3

After several months of intensive development and testing, under the conditions mentioned in a previous post, Olivier Bouyssou propose to the date of the last Grand Pavois PRO version Weather4D 1.3.0. No additional cost, the routing module will Read more …
