If satellite phone rates, mainly Iridium and Inmarsat, have not evolved in the United States., this is not the case in France. After storage removal of products remained on the shelves, new supplies from distributors saw a sharp increase. Indeed, the combined action of Euro decline and French VAT rise obligated to a significant prices increase, both the material as communication SIM vouchers, prepaid or postpaid. Read more …
Label : Inmarsat
IsatPhone 2 the new satellite phone from Inmarsat [Update-2]
The war is open between the two leading operators worldwide satellite phone. After the announcement of the GO! by Iridium (¹), here is IsatPhone 2 by Inmarsat.
Inmarsat will deliver its new mobile satellite phone on March 24 next. IsatPhone 2 Targets the high-end of the satellite telephony market. Described as "a fine device combined with a feeling of high quality", it has additional options and more features than the previous IsatPhone Pro model (²), such as GPS tracking, an emergency button or the reception of calls with the antenna folded. Read more …
With IsatHub, Inmarsat promises to connect - much - faster [Update]
After the announcement with great pump of the GO! by Iridium few month ago, but not yet available, Inmarsat has introduced IsatHub at CommunicAsia show which just closed its doors in Singapur. The competition is tough between the two industrial, but unlike Iridium more oriented towards mainstream users, Inmarsat is aimed primarily at a professional market.
IsatHub is a WiFi hotspot allowing to connect all mobile devices to Inmarsat satellite network. No need cellular towers, IsatHub provides aworldwide connectivity to your tablets and smartphones.
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IsatPhone Pro versus Iridium (continue)
As promised in my post on 15 July, here are the results of the comparative test conducted aboard "Prince d'Oc" for our trip from Port Leucate to Dubrovnik.
Thanks to the loan of a complete IsatPhone Pro, avec station d’accueil et antenne extérieure (big thanks to PYG @Voilier_xhosa, who sent me all this from Belgium), and the presence of a similar facility Iridium on board Olivier's boat : Iridium 9575 avec antenne fixe extérieure Sailor, nous avons pu effectuer des tests en situation réelle d’utilisation.
IsatPhone Pro versus Iridium, which one to choose ?
I just read, dans le dernier numéro de Voiles et Voiliers daté de mai 2012, un comparatif Inmarsat-Iridium qui me laisse insatisfait. Quite interesting in form, it presents a lot of approximations in substance, et ne permet pas au lecteur de se faire une opinion sur des éléments de comparaison précis et chiffrés. On the other hand, n’en déplaise à François-Xavier Ricardou, les solutions logicielles pour Mac existent depuis longtemps et sont parfaitement éprouvées : just to see the number of participants provided with Mac or iPad at ARC 2011. I will try to contribute complementary, je l’espère, éclairera les acheteurs potentiels. Read more …