MacENCx64 finally offers global charting

Since taking over MacENC at the end of the year 2020, become MacENCx64 (¹), it took three painstaking years for the company NavStation LLC to finalize the implementation of a global charting. Since January 1 2024 is now done. A long negotiation with the ENC charting distributor ChartWorld (²) has enabled the creation of a range of vector charts in ENC S-57/S-63 format (³) as in-app purchase. Read more …

MacENC is back

MacENCx64 is now the name of the MacENC application which has just been released by its new developer NavStation.

MacENC has been fully adapted and recompiled in 64 bits for recent MacOS systems and new processors, which explains the new denomination. I continue to ensure the French translation. But beware : to date the Navionics cartography is no longer available. So there is no charting yet for the coasts of Europe, except ENC S-57 and S-63 available by Chartworld (see page Digital charting). Read more …

MacENC and GPSNavX disappear forever [Update]

Since 30 September 2018 (*), I already had information regarding discontinuation by NAVX Studio LLC of the development of two historical applications created by Richard Ray : GPSNavX and MacENC. The buyers of these applications and iNavX had clearly announced focuse only to the development of iNavX, on iOS and Android. It is likely that applications on Mac no longer had any profitability, especially with the loss of Navionics charts for MacENC. Read more …

Navionics charts are no longer available for MacENC [Update]

[Update 30 September 2018] Warning : MacENC application is no longer supported by its developers. It no longer reads raster charts and Navionics charts are no longer available. Application is discontinued to date.

Since the upgrade of Navionics Gold to Navionics Plus (¹), Navionics supply disappeared from Fugawi / Charts folder for MacENC. Thinking of a temporary disappearance, I finally asked the Fugawi support who confirmed (between the lines) permanently deleted : Read more …

NV Chart extends coasts of France from SHOM

In previous entry I presented the SHOM raster charts provided by many publishers on iPad. In recent weeks the German charts Editor NV Verlag offers two new areas ending coverage of the coasts of France Atlantic and English Channel. These charts are usable both with iNavX on iPad/iPhone, as with GPSNavX and MacENC on Mac. It can therefore, Unlike Navionics, use the two available copies of each region on two different media (iPad , iPhone or Mac).

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Free update Navionics 3XG [Update]

navionics 3xgNavionics just announced the free upgrade of the Region 3XG that covers the entire Central America, South America, Greater and Lesser Antilles, to the Bahamas. Maps included in this portfolio are largely updates the date of April 2012.

Unlike years 2010 and 2011, This portfolio is not subject to a new folder Navionics 2012 previously paying, but a simple free update.

IPhone and iPad, the update is performed from iNavX (¹). For MacENC, using the utility X-Traverse (²).

Rodnay Bay

Updated Rodnay Bay (Sainte-Lucie)

[Update] Free update 2012 Navionics charts 43XG and 30XG

[Update – 1 June 2012] Free update 2012 Navionics charts 34XG Peaceful – Japan

(¹) How to update charts with iNavX
(²) Enable and use the Navionics Gold with MacENC

Free ENC river charts for use with MacENC

VNFAs part of its policy to offer users a leak ever more efficient and safe, public institution Waterways of France (VNF) embarked on the production of electronic navigational charts on various inland waterways. The first two : link "Dunkirk-Escaut" and "La Garonne" is published.

The big surprise, unique in the history of the French administration, is that these charts are available for free download on VNF website. It deserved to be praised ! Read more …

Connect Miniplex-2USB with GPSNavX/MacENC

Multiplexer Miniplex-2 USB (¹) by ShipModul company can connect all the instruments on board directly to a USB connector on your Mac. GPSNavX and MacENC software can receive and display NMEA instruments, and if necessary forward to an autopilot, a VHF DSC, chartplotter, a Radar or any other repeater.

A utility "Miniplex2" to configure the input channels and output device, choose from several operating modes, and offers advanced options for complex installation.

For a conventional implementation is quite simple, and Miniplex2 Help in French is integrated into software for detailed explanations of the various options available. Follow the guide… Read more …

Navionics charts 2011 : new pricing

Delivery of Navionics regions 2011 has accompanied a significant change in pricing : significant decrease in the price of charts for iPhone, increase for iPad.
Europe regions (43XG, 44XG, 46XG, 49XG) decrease by 60% for iPhone and increase 35% for iPad. Surprisingly, the British have their region 28XG for iPhone down only 22% ($31), but more than double for iPad ($84). Damned !

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Navionics Charts 2011


inavxNavionics recent weeks published new versions of its charts regions stamped 2011. A new file of Navionics charts « Gold Marine Charts 2011 "Has been added in the function" Add more charts »Of iNavX.

These regions replace the previous ones and must be purchased to be able to download. I explained the procedure in a previous entry. I mention that Navionics charts are subject to free updates between editions, but a new paying edition replaces the previous one each 1 up to 2 years ago. Having, no obligation to buy a new edition every issue. Read more …