Imray abandons the publication of maps and refocuses its activities

The end of an era !

After more than 200 years spent guiding sailors, Imray will begin to gradually cease its nautical chart publishing activities, thus marking the end of an era. This difficult decision reflects the shift to digital navigation, But we are not leaving.
Card production and support, including Imray's Notices to Mariners, will continue until the 2025. Afterlife, No new editions will be published. ” data.

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InavX adopts Imray charts

With the latest version 5.6.35 from February the 25 th last September, iNavX integrates Imray charting offered by its supplier SiiTech (¹). NavX Studios does not hesitate to announce in its communication :

As the leading publisher of nautical information for leisure sailors, Imray joins iNavX, making us the first mobile navigation platform to offer and support these trusted charts..” data.

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Garmin Boating V.22.0

It is now effective, with the latest update powered on September 27 th, Navionics Boating app becomes Garmin Boating. The Navionics® brand is now only about charting, but for how long ? However, it would seem risky to delete such a well-known trademark ! And as users have been able to see : A new logo has been imposed to clearly identify the owner of the application. Read more …