Install the GPS BU-353 with GPSNavX/MacENC


The BU-353 GPS connected to the MacBook via USB

You have to follow the steps below, in order :

1) Quit GPSNavX or MacENC before proceed.
2) Install the Prolific PL2303 driver.
3) Connect the BU-353 USB GPS antenna to a USB port on your Mac.
4) Launch GPSNavX or MacENC, select the menu "GPS > Connect ". Open the "Settings" drawer, then select :
– Type : "SiRF USB"
– Port : "usbserial"
– Rate : " 4800 ” data.

1) Quit GPSNavX or MacENC before proceed.

2) Install the last driver Prolific PL2303 you can Download here. Do not use the one on the CD-ROM, rarely up-to-date.

3) Connect the BU-353 USB GPS antenna to a USB port on your Mac.

4) Launch GPSNavX or MacENC, Select the " GPS > Connect " . Open the " Parameters ” data.

configuration MacENCand select :

  • Type : "SiRF USB"
  • Port : "usbserial"
  • Rate : " 4800 ” data.
configuration MacENC

N.B. : The red LED of the BU-353 GPS changes from solid (Satellite search) flashing when the position is fixed.

If the "usbserialia" port is invalid :

  1. Quit GPSNavX or MacENC.
  2. Check for the " ProlificUSBSerial.kext " in the Macintosh HD directory / System / Library / Extensions. If this is the case, disconnect the BU-353 USB GPS and delete the " ProlificUSBSerial.kext ” data..
  3. Repeat at the step 2) above.
Emplacement du driver

Driver location

IMPORTANT : it is imperative that the BU-353 USB GPS be connected to the Mac BEFORE launching MacENC or GPSNavX.