GRIB2 weather files in Weather4D

With version Routing & Navigation 2.0.81, Weather4D supports weather files in GRIB2 format by external download. For example, the very high resolution ICON-D2 model (¹) of Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) for Northern Europe can be opened in the app.

Just go to OpenSkiron website and make a tap on the desired area :

Uploading the file to the Files app

Downloading the file to the Files app

The file is downloaded to Apple Files app in "Downloads" folder. Tapping the file opens the sharing window, then select Weather4D.

Viewing the ICON-D2 file

Display of ICON-D2 "Calais" file

This long-awaited compatibility will soon be extended to the Weather4D Lite and Routing versions.

(¹) Alternative weather models
