Navigation Mac tutorials on your iPad [Update]

A growing number of boaters now uses an iPad at sea. But offshore, when no network connection is available, and therefore no more internet access, how to access different aid or technical instructions regarding the tools used ?

The answer is in the creation of a library of files in PDF format that can be easily stored in the application Apple Books, for free, fortunately.

The method is able to produce PDF documents from HTML files, i.e. web pages displayed on the internet. Apple provides us, with its browser Safari.

From the Mac

When you open a web page in Safari on a MacBook, such as Navigation Mac website, you find from recent releases an icon called " Reader " on the left side of URL input field.

By clicking on this icon is displayed page selecting the main body, and removing all the side columns and horizontal banners, so that the user can focuse on reading much of the page. This is extremely convenient and pleasant, especially when reading pages stuffed with ads, pop-up or animations that disrupt reading.

Once in this display mode, just open the "File" menu, then select "Share > AirDrop "to send the entire article displayed on an iPad, in example, then store it in the application Apple Books.

From an iPad

With Safari for iPad is even easier. The icon " Reader "Is different but the way is the same. It isolates the body of the page and then save it in the application Apple Books with Apple sharing feature.

We can create a collection, i.e. "Articles", wherein the recorded web pages will be grouped.

Here is a method allowing you to keep your iPad a selection of useful articles on hardware and software you use.


8 Replies to “Les tutoriels de Navigation Mac sur votre iPad [Update]”

  1. Another choice for storing our PDFs on our Apple devices is the app PDF Expert. I prefer it to iBooks because it allows me to highlight sections of my manuals and to add text annotations.

  2. Thank you for this article, very educational and very clear. With your articles we always make discoveries, even using a mac since 30 years..

  3. Using IPad and IPhone and a Mac your article confirms my choice to always have with me or against me and navigation All PDF by theme (mechanical,interview,applications,all equipment used on board…) and Articles ,diagrams,necessary plans and full of interest
    Francis thank you to you for your comprehensive article:indisputable methodical response

  4. Using IPad and IPhone and a Mac your article confirms my choice to always have with me or against me and navigation All PDF by theme (mechanical,interview,applications,all equipment used on board…) and Articles ,diagrams,necessary plans and full of interest
    Francis thank you to you for your comprehensive article:indisputable methodical response

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