eSail4VR 1.11 available on platforms [Update]

In gestation and intensive testing for several months, the news version 1.11 is available on all platforms (¹). A large number of new items on the menu, dont le « Mode Expert », a new routing engine, support for the “boost” effect well known to specialists. The improvements mainly concern the user interface to respond to the numerous requests and feedback from users. Let's see the details below…

[Update 29/01/2022] Fixes have been made to resolve crashes on certain platforms. See the latest versions on eSail4VR page.

New routing engine

  • Improved and parallelized calculations : up to 5 times faster.
  • Support for fine winds (GFS 0.25°) coming soon in Virtual Regatta.
  • Delayed start for records : Routing over multiple dates and times.
  • Calculation and display of the VMG Max in the instruments.
  • Navigation beyond the best VMG : to be able to pass spikes and avoid 2 Maneuvers
  • Setting the tolerance for sending waypoints, Comes with a beach-avoidance control.
  • Support for the "Boost" effect ” data.: no change of sail when the speed of the new sail is less than 1,014 x the speed of the old. We sail at the speed of the new sail without having suffered a penalty.
  • Automatic adjustment routing parameters when passing through straits such as Gibraltar.

Expert mode with control of most settings

  • Maximum duration routing 1 up to 15 days;
  • Research angle 40° 360° in 1° steps.
  • Angular step of 0° (Automatic) up to 5°.
  • VMG tolerance from 0° to 20° (allows you to navigate beyond the best VMG).
  • Not adjustable isochrones by compute duration range : 7 Periods of less than 12 hours to more than 120 hours, Staggered steps from a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 24 hours depending on the period. Reset to Defaults (Standard Mode).

Display improvements

  • Identified Routes by colors.
  • The’Display of simulated data of the routing in the instruments used the same colors.
  • Display on each isochronous of the Closest to the goal. A pivot point placed on one of these points will make it possible to Prioritise the ranking.
Routage, icône des navires et données simulées des routages dans les instruments utilisent des couleurs différenciées.

Routing, Vessel icons and simulated routing data in instruments use differentiated colors.

  • Scrolling speedt of the timeline regulated according to the zoom level of the map.
  • Taps on routes to move quickly through the timeline.
  • On September routing table Displays sails with VR colors.

Video tutorial

And to help novices, The video tutorial has been completely updated :


(¹eSail4VR The multiplatform revolution
