Reading : «La désirante» by Malika Mokeddem

I'm screwing up, install the autopilot, back into the boat, open the logbook. I have to do violence not to read, again, your last annotations. On the virgin page facing them, I write : Friday 5 June 2009. Cast off Port Camargue 5 am. 15 knots on the anemometer. 10 at log. Compass 114 degrees. Slight sea. "

Thus begins the quest for a woman to find her true love lost at sea somewhere in the Mediterranean, between Italy, Sicily and Tunisia. On board Vent de Sable, their boat found empty by the Italian Coast Guard, she begins looking for his only love. She, the orphan of the Algerian desert, has found love and the sea with Leo, After a long interior wandering. She can not accept imagine him overboard, him the old salt, which after several months the body was not recovered. It is by sea, by repeating the journey made by Leo, she hopes to unravel the inexplicable disappearance of the man of her life.

Beyond the plot and its maritime environment, is above all a long internal struggle for this woman in whom the desert and the sea merge. Children without families, who fled the massacres of Algeria, she casts off with all the energy of hope on the tracksl of a passionate love.

A beautiful story, written by a writer who puts great sensitivity in a thriller that goes well beyond a simple polar. After heavy historical works read this winter, here is a nice literary return.

La désirante, Malika Mokkedem – Editions Grasset 2011

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