GNS 3000 Bluetooth GPS receiver for mobile [Update]

The GNS 3000 to Global Navigation Systems is available since November 2022 (¹). It replaces GNS 2000 More. Now equipped with a Bluetooth transmitter 5.0, it has an SD Card slot for recording position data continuously.

Compatible with Apple products, It caters mainly to non-GPS devices : iPod Touch and iPad WiFi all models. It can also be used with all PDAs, Bluetooth phones and tablets. It has a Li-Ion battery offering an autonomy of 10 continuous hours.

[Update 15 May 2024] Warning : from iOS/iPadOS 17.x, a update of the device is essential. But it can only be done from an Android device.

Equipped with the latest chipset Mediatek MT3333, It is now compatible with the European GALILEO network, American GPS, Russian GLONASS systems, Chinese BEIDOU, and the majority of the SBAS (³).

Specifications :

  • Silicone non-slip coating
  • Receiver GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU all-in-one 99 -Channels
  • Multi-support SBAS : WAAS/EGNOS/QZSS/MSAS/GAGAN (³)
  • Classroom 2 Bluetooth 5.0, scope 10 meters high
  • Automatic shutdown in the absence of Bluetooth connection
  • Multi-client Bluetooth support up to 5 connections simultaneous
  • On / off switch by side
  • Li-Ion battery, autonomy 10 hours steps, recharge 0-100% and 3.5h.
  • USB-C connector for charging (cable supplied)
  • SD Card connector for data recording
  • Dimensions : 79 x 45 x 11 mm
  • Weight : 47 grams

For ten years, with the first model 5870 MFI, these GPS receivers have demonstrated their effectiveness in all fields of activity. Like previous models, the battery life is still 10 hours in use, which corresponds to the autonomy of iPads in general. With a range of 10 meters high, we can keep the GNS 3000 in the chart table and move around with mobiles throughout the boat. From 60 feet, it will be better to keep it in the pocket !

(¹) GNS 3000 at
(²) GNS 3000 User Manual (EN)
(³) See SBAS in the Glossary


6 Replies to “GNS 3000 Bluetooth GPS receiver for mobile [Update]”

  1. Hello Francis,
    I discovered Weather4D at home and have been a fan ever since 2017. At the start I used INavX.
    The big misunderstood in France is the Weatherdock company which produces a range of Safety / Ais equipment VERY complete with an irreproachable function. An EasyTRX 2-SI-Wifi model helped me navigate solo from Lesconil to Lisbon. On an iPad mini with Weather4D for my navigation with SHOM maps preferably, for marinas or port entrances I use Navionics for its they are perfect (especially at night or in the early morning).
    Thank you

  2. Hello

    Can you tell me whether jailbreak iphone gps antenna to use this external?



    1. Of course not, see, it is of the Bluetooth connection. It will never issue jailbreak on this blog, I do not subscribe to this method.

  3. I see every day that passes that new GPS, new multiplexers nmea wifi out. I'll probably seem like archaic but when the end of the wave?
    I explain. I am the proud owner of a steel cutter we have to retype the Caribbean. I redid all the electronics on board and invested in an iPad iNavX and to make use of tracer at the helm. As far as it can, and to the extent that my boat is equipped nmea to send GPS data to my PC and ais (serial cable) I will wish to do the same on the ipad.
    It was then that my problem is complicated. I categorically refuse to install a transmitter wifi on my boat. I am one of the shaken jar that we live are surrounded by electromagnetic waves too. I rot the brain a little more enclosing a wireless transmitter in a steel box (or one screw) … Non merci!

    We are certainly at a time when being very cable connection for its decor is outdated and is worth an office classification as "geek", I will wish that our illustrious industrial take into account that the wireless has not only advantages, and sometimes a good old copper wire plastic recouvet do the same job and more healthily!

    For what is my request, y'aurai you there somewhere a jar of Syphone like me to create a cable capable of transmitting iPad that will give the nmea GPS and ais? Preferably while being able to charge the device simultaneously. Yes I know I am demanding, but until then I have found that the GPS cable only… Disappointment.

    I will surely against the current of the majority of the world population, but we already live in a microwave open land, if we can limit our exposure a little when you are at sea, I find a shame not to!

    The Syphone the jar

    1. Cher Chris, your comment makes me die of laughter. Not mockery, be reassured, but because you highlight something that neither I, or any browser of my knowledge never mentioned.

      I categorically refuse to install a transmitter wifi on my boat. I am one of the shaken jar that we live are surrounded by electromagnetic waves too.

      Despite the content of this blog in which I apology for WiFi transmissions to the greatest benefit of the users of iPhone and iPad, I humbly admit that your comment is full of common sense. Who does not criticize, in our common continental, the proliferation of communication antennas of all kinds, and the harm they can cause to our health and that of our children ? Alas, even the most vindictive critics are the same people who vilify operators when their mobile phone is to fail, Offline.
      Alas, there would still be a free space of any evil wave : la mer ? Well yes. Simply navigate as I have done for decades, with just a few instruments and GPS wired. At best, with some means, reader charts. Unfortunately, on iPad, Apple refuses any physical system (or almost, there are exceptions) allowing it to connect instrumentation. It must be admitted that the use of the iPad or iPhone boating not fit into their priority targets. We are therefore forced, one – and only if – we want to display on an iPad data from our instruments, means use of Wi-Fi.
      But I want to reassure you, un iPad (with integrated GPS) with software quality and the appropriate mapping can lead to the end of the world without any instrument on board there is connected. The gauges and repeaters are sufficient in themselves, which need to interface with an iPad ? And AIS, you could say. There are screens such as Watchmate which perfectly fulfill this office.
      You can banish your WiFi board, and navigate safely.

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