Curious price changes in Navionics

Bad news : changes in the price of Navionics charts for iNavX iPad appeared on the site, and unfortunately for regions that concern us directly : Region 46XG Europe up to 43XG Mediterranean (replacing the previous 23XG 2011) for iPad increase +13% from $54 up to $61 (either daily exchange 38 € up to 43 € about).

At the same time, however,, Region 28XG British Isles loses -18% from $84 up to $69 (59 € up to 48 € about). Good news for English navigators, and our fellow citizens who travel the beautiful coastline of the "Perfide Albion".

The fact remains that, after a significant increase in early May with the arrival of Editions 2011, it is surprising to see such rapid changes just at the beginning of the summer season, you'd think the stock rates !
