Marée info : SHOM tides prediction on iPhone [Update]

Thousands of users have known about the excellent website for several years which offers the tidal times and heights of the SHOM for all the coast stations of the Channel and the Atlantic. Boaters, professional fishermen, beach fishermen, kite surfers and other relevant users visit daily the information pages of this website.

Its author, Guillaume Bolo, set about creating an app for iPhone (iPad compatible) using the content of its website, but with the particularity of providing, for a low subscription (*), tides for a whole year. The data are tidal predictions from SHOM, reproduced with permission by contract. Their reliability therefore leaves no doubt, although SHOM does not control the content before editing.

Marée info presents a simple and effective interface 3 data display windows :

  • Clock tidal for current day data
  • Calendar for a week of predictions with coefficients and phases of the moon
  • Tidal graphic for a week of prediction

A double-tap on the clock displays the details of the day, rotation landscape increase tidal graphic, Horizontal swipe on the screen scrolls through the days of the week.

The function Calendar you can choose any day or week of subscribed year. The function Ports offers alphabetical selection, maritime area selection, closest GPS location, and allows to create a list of sideburns. Some simple settings allow you to customize the application.

One can also draw a reference line with a long tap and slide on tidal graphic. In addition, a calculation can be made for a given time or height to be entered in a selector.

All these functions only require a few minutes of learning as the manipulations are so simple. You can even sort out the coefficients, for example, to know only the dates of the high tides for fishing in Abalone :

This application will soon be as essential as weather forecast for all those who attend our beautiful seacoast, whether at sea or on the foreshore. It will be free with Brest station included, Searchable by all, which will test the app. The 98 Other ports will be available with an auto-renewable in-app purchase subscription from the menu Settings.

[Update] 3 Subscription packages are available :
1 months / 6 months / 12 renewable months, to respectively 0,89 € / 2,69 € / 4,49 €.
During the subscription period, you can access all the data for the current year + following year. There is therefore no vintage version, the application will be updated annually when SHOM data is available.

Tide info is available from 18 July on the AppStore. A big congratulations to its developer for this successful initiative : easy, efficient and, which doesn't spoil anything, a nice user interface.

(*) SHOM data is subject to a charge for all licensed broadcasters. They cannot therefore be made available to the public free of charge, unless the broadcaster covers their cost, what is, economically, difficult to plan.


10 Replies to "Tide info : SHOM tides prediction on iPhone [Update]”

  1. Bonjour
    The non-millisimed subscription system suits me perfectly.
    I just used the application during the T our From Finistère to sailing for the current navigation on an ipad , very practical.

  2. Bonjour,
    For the past few days 3 Subscription packages are available:
    1 months / 6 months / 12 renewable months.
    During the subscription period, you have access to all the data 2013 and 2014. There is therefore no vintage version, the application will be updated annually when SHOM data is available.
    Have a good
    Guillaume Bolo / mareé

  3. Bonjour
    it is certain that forecasts based on SHOM data are more accurate (Time and Height) than those resulting from a calculation based on the harmonic constants of the ports.
    The only criticism we can make is that we only have the year of subscription, personally to prepare regattas I often need the tides of the following year and I use "Tides" from Navilog which runs on Windows.

    1. Bonjour,
      To answer René, a change should arrive soon concerning data access in the iPhone application. Indeed, if the subscription will still be for one year to use the application, it will allow access to all available data (so at the time of writing these lines, SHOM tidal predictions 2013 and 2014)

      I would like to take this opportunity to thank Francis Fustier for his article.
      Happy sailing to all
      Guillaume Bolo /

  4. I'm also still a TidesPlanner user with an FR subscription, UK, B and NL
    The presentation of the new product described by Mr Fustier seems to be a perfect copy of this product. So it's one more available to boaters and surely as good if not better for the Fr since a copy of the SHOM indications.
    We will test and possibly favor a French app next year

    1. I don't know what meaning you give to "seems a perfect copy of this product" but for my part I find it perfectly unjustified and at the very least inelegant, or poorly expressed. I'm not sure the developer will appreciate it. There is no 36 Ways to Present Tidal Calculations.
      Tide info presents the data published by SHOM (Tide directory, Breton Sailor's Almanac) only for France. The Tucabo Company, who edits Tides Planner, offers predictions based on harmonic calculation using constants from hydrographic services (as SHOM). It's not comparable. Tides Planner offers, with multiple subscriptions, calculated data similar to that offered for several years by AyeTides and AyeTides XL without subscription.
      About the user interface, I find Guillaume Bolo's more pleasant than the British, but this assessment is my own.

  5. I use TidesPlanner which covers the whole world and is reliable to within minutes and centimeters. Obviously, You must have a subscription for the country concerned.

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