How to update charts with iNavX [Update]

With iNavX, with iPhone like iPad, charts update goes through two processes. It is necessary to distinguish individual charts update, and update full charts folders with a new edition.

Since early 2011, Navionics chart folders are available in iNavX in a unique directory Navionics " Gold Marine Charts Current" available from the homepage by the option " Add more charts to menu ". Once your charts folders enabled, they are listed in the home page (¹).

1 – Update of a new edition

If you receive information about an update of one of your charts folders, to download you must first select in the homepage this folder, in example 46XG France,Iberia,Netherlands, then select the option «» Update Chart List ".

On the home page select your region, and click "Update charts list" :

Then click Yes in the next window. Charts are deleted from your device. Select one of the charts in the list, then download this chart or even full folder.

NOTE : In charts list in your folder, those in bold are downloaded to your device, others not.

2 – Individual chart update

The update process is to use the " i " (information button) bottom left of the Chart, Select the action icon "export" in the top left banner then tap " Update chart ". This deletes and replaces one (or more) chart(s) region with latest charts updates.

It is essential to get a 3G connection or better Wifi for updates, the server x - is particularly slow.

(¹) See my tutorial Navigate with iNavX for training complete.


7 Replies to “Update maps with iNavX [Update]”

  1. Hello ,
    I own iNavX for several years, with 43XG. I just got a message telling me that I could load the update for free, I did the test on the Adriatic Sea map, I have a message telling me that I have to buy 43XG.The problem is that I no longer have the Adriatic Sea. Can I recover this part of 43XG, or should I just buy ?
    Thank you for your reply.

  2. Follow-up to my @ disappointment to x cross . I received a reply two days after meaning an error on their website and they were trying to correct . Actually later map was available again .

  3. One more way for NOAA charts at least. Sort charts by recent, at the top of the list (you may need to scroll down) there is an update all charts. It only updates the charts you have already downloaded.

  4. Hello,
    I received their mail and they ask me to pay back my card , I keep my opinion on their trade policy and I turn to a more simple and clear competition .

  5. Thank you Francis,
    Still a nice tutorial for all those who are asking questions about the shift of Navionics maps or other.
    It eventually will use the link from this post in other sites or this issue is recurrent

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