Navionics Boating : Italian at the top of business [Update]

How make the new with the old ? Navionics knows ! After publishing geographic areas including a navigation application, now here is an application, but without charting. Italian are too much !

Navionics Boating complements, since January 2014, the collection of applications Marine (iPhone) and Marine HD (iPad ). Also available as standard version for iPhone and HD for iPad, Navionics Boating has the same version number 6.0 than others. Navionics point, on dedicated website page its website, that Navionics "Boating" does not replace Navionics "Marine" which will continue to be updated. However, it is permissible to ask for how long, because this new application provides a very bad surprise.

If you, like me, bought Navionics Europe HD, in example, that you had completed by options in-app, as NavModule, Autorouting, or Advanced Map (¹), do not expect to recover your purchases. As in 2010, you will have to repurchase all : charts and options.

The explanation of this new publication is, partly, restrictions imposed by Apple to developers. Indeed, the multiplication of each app dedicated to a chart area do not meet the criteria of the AppStore and it is likely that Navionics had to give Apple injunctions. With « Boating », Navionics aligns its competitors with a free application to acquire multiple geographic areas, which is much more convenient than having to close an application and open another when the route crosses through two charts region.. It is therefore a good thing.

navionics gold

A geographical division closer to the Navionics Gold

Channel boaters will be happy to see England's south coast and Channel Islands include in "Central & West Europe » chart, but offshore islands, Canaria, Madeira, Azores, are absent. A truncated Gold 46XG, somehow, but 50 € per region, it is necessary to pay 100 € to cover the equivalent of Gold 46XG for iNavX at 70$ (about 52 €). There is really something confuse customers !

In addition, does not allow to recover at least the options previously purchased seems to me an unacceptable commercial approach, clean method to quickly turn users to now many competing applications. Nothing is ever, and it would be good not to turn a million copies sold, claimed by Navionics last year, into a million unhappy customers. Because I do not predict a long life with previous applications "Marine" and "Marine HD".

As I had already sung in October 2009, ♫ " My Little Business, ♪ knows no crisis ... " ♬, but it could quickly become disillusioned…

[Update] Navionics Marine 6.0.1 from February the 11 February allows to add new charts to the original chart folder. This is great news for this application owners and an excellent response to criticisms above. Navionics therefore makes a clear rapprochement with Boating, merging the two seems close. I welcome this response that takes into account the expectations of their customers.

(¹) Navigation Apps : the new products of spring



4 Replies to “Navionics Boating : Italian at the top of business [Update]”

  1. For me the different navionic chart offers have become totally confusing and the chart prices for the different appliances are twice than for instance using the new isailor app. Instead
    of buying the charts for French Polynesia twice for iphone ans ipad I bought one isailor chart, which can be used on both for about €20.
    Their price policy is really bad. For the Navionc chart of French Polynesia one have to buy The folder for Japan. Price €299. But in the moment Japan isn’t on this chart because of the tsunami.

  2. Thank you Francis. I also passed on the nautic Ipadnav stand. But I especially échnagé on other topics Navionics.
    I agree with you on the quality of the maps from this publisher. As you, I review it is the commercial policy that they sell us the same map product 3x if using iPad, IPhone et Traceur.
    Finally, they do not arrive at the expected result since I am convinced that the browsers do not update all their versions. As I said only the version on the iPad is held at home. So in the end somehow I feel that their sales policy is dangerous for the safety of boaters who can use at one time a product not updated when he also purchased the same card to another device.

    Heureusement pour ce qui est des informations principales les cotes et les cailloux ne bougent pas régulièrement 😉

  3. I do not use Navionics Europe that I have on my IPhone. Long since replaced by iNavX. But like all the racket I suffered from this company. It has already sold me the cards on iPhone, RAYMARINE on my screen and also via X-crosses on the iPad.
    Exchange at Nautic with a person present at the booth tried to convince me that each card was different…. You always have the right to take people for cn but then it becomes really painful. If your comments as those brought by Navionics users could encourage to review their trade policy, it would be nice.
    In the meantime I will never renew iPhone application if it disappears and I do not go from the SHIFT cards with the Upgrade option that offers Navionics maps for RAYMARINE. I would just hold the SHIFT my cards via X-cross and that's all. And if iNavX has maps other than Navionics for nav areas I would compare the trade policies of each. Tired of being taken for pigeons.
    Sorry but I was really angry.

    1. If you were passed on the stand Nautic iPadNav, not far from Navionics, I would have certainly explained, as in many other, trade policy Navionics, I criticize since its debut on iPhone. See my many items not always tender with this editor. However, we must recognize that this company is the only one to have remained independent and provide a mapping that is, in my opinion, a reference for pleasure : quality, level of detail, maintenance. This requires resources and personnel to do, and therefore substantial income. If their versatile trade policy can be questionable, prices on smartphones and tablets are significantly lower than for plotters and PC. What offends me is primarily the lack of consideration for their customers.

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