Weather4D makes its (r)evolution

Hear, hear ye, hardy boaters, new Weather4D applications come up !

I wrote "the" in the plural. Both historical applications of Sarl APP4NAV,  Weather4D (March 2011) and Weather4D Pro (November 2011 ), change to the user interface of the now famous application Weather4D 2.0, which was the subject of a comprehensive review of its development published in December 2015. In order to make more consistent range, the names of the three applications are harmonized :

This change is made only by the way of free updates. In addition, the valid weather subscriptions in each application are kept. Apple now allows to upgrade an application to the higher version with only the pricing gap, by means of "Bundles" which will be set up on the AppStore. Finally, Cherry on the cake, three tutorials made by myself are now to download, for free ! They are designed on the same pattern as that of Weather4D (i.e.. 2.0) French and English.

Weather4D Lite is for those who simply want a powerful graphic weather application, based on weather and ocean GRIB files, provided with a sophisticated interface, suitable for water sports like all other terrestrial recreation.

Weather4D Routing usefully complement, as did the Pro version, the need for high level routing for boaters already provided with their favorite navigation app : iNavX, iSailor or other, able to import and export routes. In addition they will benefit from the multi-routing of Navigation Version.

Weather4D Routing & Navigation, flagship developer APP4NAV, satisfy those who expect an all-in-one combining weather and ocean GRIB files, multi-routing, and complete functions of charting navigation, and the integration of onboard instrumentation. The update will include a significant number of new.

New in Lite version

common settings

  • Safe Mode
  • Support Iridium GO!™

Advanced Management of locations by category

  • Creating a location (waypoint, POI)
  • Creating categories for registered location
  • Assignment of location in a category
  • Add a name, an icon, display settings
  • Zonal attachment, or global (all areas)
  • Quick access in Target menu
  • Creation/modification entering latitude/longitude coordinates
  • individual Change, overall or by category, locations
  • Tapping on a location opens a creation context menu / modification / deletion
  • Tap on an icon opens a context menu creation


  • Extension up to 16 days GFS models
  • Addition ARPEGE Europe (0,1°) and global (0,5°) up to 4 days
  • ICON-EU Addition (0,625°) and ICON Global (0,125°) up to 5 days
  • Adding MFWAM wave models by Meteo-France, 3 resolutions 3 coverages : Global (world), Europe and France
  • Adding NCOM current models at 1/30 ° (2 NM) for US and Caribbean coastal region

New in Routing

In addition to the above functions :

  • Import waypoints in KML (in addition to GPX)
  • Creation of routes by context menu with a tap on a target or location, then by successive taps on registered locations displayed on the map (in addition to the conventional method from a target and then "Begin a route"
  • Exporting a routing table .xlsx format, Excel and Numbers compatible spreadsheet

New in Routing & Navigation

In addition to the above functions :


  • Adding an "Update" button on each chart area as soon as a downloaded update has been published by Geogarage, valid for all editors. A tap on the button starts the download of the update by replacing modified tiles.
  • Chart orientation North Up, COG Up, HDG (compass heading) Up, BTW (bearing to waypoint) Up.


  • Extension of NMEA output sentences to the appropriate multiplexers and gateways.

And to follow up this (r)evolution, the web site will also take on a whole new interface, more dynamic, better suited to the international expansion of applications.


52 Replies to “Weather4D fait sa (r)evolution”

  1. Hello Francis,

    J’utilise Weather 4D 2.0 and strange since 24:00 I do not have my GPS position as well on my Ipad 9.7 Wifi and Gps on my Iphone.
    I do not think this is a hardware problem because I checked that it worked well with other GPS App.

    It's weird,…



  2. Hello Francis,

    Yes I too have difficulties with this shift, and the installation of the "routing and navigation" version which only appeared when I paid the almost 38 euros of the routing version. Now it asks me again 54 EUR, while I thought that to pay the difference ? Do others have had the same problem as me ?
    Thanks for the tutorial, I will look at it !

    1. To switch from one version to another you now prizes that can only pay the price difference. Do not worry about the price displayed by Apple, at the end of the transaction you will only pay the difference AS.
      The subscription to high-resolution models and ocean is valid for both applications.

  3. Hello Francis . My update is made but despite reading the tutorial and test setup I can not recover the currents and waves for my Caribbean area
    I do not have an annual subscription Meteo but before it worked very well on the "Global" system that I can no longer find . Thank you for enlighten me

    1. The global model ocean is visible from the editing parameters of the zone… Unless it is clearly subject to subscription since the update.

  4. Hello, I'm confused since the update. I just renewed my subscription weather hd. He said it is necessary to enter the login and password. Identification with the coordinates of my iTunes or iCloud account will not work. Help! Is the weather subscription will give access to the tides ? See you soon. Frederick

    1. Creating an account is optional and only used if you want to use your membership on another device. In this case you enter a user name and password at your convenience and save your current device. Then you use the same password on your second device. This was the case on previous versions Weather4D.

  5. Good evening
    Thank you for the quick and clear answer
    J have had to read the tutorial

  6. Hello
    I confirm this software is great for a reasonable price
    I used it on a chair and I had no worries. Every morning, I have recovered the files via Iridium GO Weather! (a big thank you also for the great tutorial that iridium has helped m)
    Various small points that are in no way critical :
    – it is expected to more or less long term have the possibility of vector maps to make this perfect application ?
    – I feel that there is a small problem to read the currents through Global MyOcean. At a crossing of the handle this we, values ​​and directions evolved very little. The values ​​stated inter alia 0,1 nodes while the coefficient was about 100. I just try again to earth and so is
    – for routing, I have the impression that it is not possible to select a start time but that it is for instant departure. It's a shame as part of a preparation of a navigation if you want to do such a route in the morning for a departure in the evening.
    – finally, it is not possible within the same weather model file to have the wind and swell while c was before in Weather4D Pro
    A big thank-you

    1. 1- The support vector maps ENC S-57 / S-63 is being studied.
      2- MyOcean Global presents the major ocean currents, unusable for Channel. You must use MyOcean IBI (Iberian-Biscay-Irish) for the tidal currents.
      3- If you are routing during navigation, one from your current position to the active waypoint. The date is therefore inactive. (Video 4.9 page 101 the W4D Manual N&R). For a classic anticipated routing, see video 3.10 page 68 the same manual.
      The waves can not be added to weather data in queries Saildocs. In Weather4D must select the different models in Creative Zone (several weather models, waves and ocean currents models, by exemeple.

  7. Hello and Olivier Francis,

    Thank you for the consideration of constructive feedback from users.
    Congratulations, Weather routing 4D now is the perfect application.
    And a revolution compared to 4D Weather Pro
    Again, thank you.


  8. Hello Francis,

    When will that be commercialized application Weather4D Routing and Navigation absent from the AppStore

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