Weather4D Routing & Navigation supports Imray charts

With yesterday's delivery of the version 2.0.54, Weather4D add Imray charts (¹) to the Routing & Navigation, recently available in Geogarage. Five layers cover the Atlantic facade (²) , from the North Sea and the Shetlands to the Canaries and the Azores, and one layer covers the Greater and Lesser Antilles.

But the most important are the three layers covering the western, central and eastern Mediterranean, which now provide detailed coverage from the Ionian Sea to the Aegean Sea. An excellent complement to the international SHOM layer.

Regarding Western Europe, Imray charts compete with SHOM and UKHO and may therefore only be of relative interest. Each file is priced at €72/year.

5 layers for Western Europe

Concerning the Mediterranean, interest is much more important, since neither SHOM nor UKHO provide enough detail to navigate around Greece and the Aegean Sea. These charts therefore fill this geographic gap for Weather4D Routing & Navigation.

3 detailed charts layers, mainly Eastern Mediterranean for Greece and the west coast of Turkey

For those cruising in the Caribbean, the West Indies layer covers from Puerto Rico to Trinidad.

And the icing on the cake comes directly from Hydrographic and Geodesic Service of the Republic of Cuba which completes the West Indian arc with a very fine nautical chart.

What happiness !

(¹) Imray charts are coming on iPhone/iPad
(²) Detail of Imray maps at Geogarage


8 Replies to “Weather4D Routage & Navigation supports Imray charts”

  1. Hello,
    I just bought the IMRAY Eastern Mediterranean card (IMRAY D_70) and I downloaded areas with the "Ports and Anchorages" level of detail.
    But when I zoom in, I don't get any details.
    Can you tell me what's the problem ? And how to fix it ?
    Many thanks in advance.

  2. Hello,
    how is Weather4D updated
    how can you see the version loaded on ipad and iphone ?
    Thank you

    1. I ask myself the same question; how to know the version of Weather4D on your iPad?

  3. I understand now that the version was needed 2.0.54 to finish loading these cards that I saw on the app 53 since weeks. Now the download goes beyond 87% who were blocking. The cards loaded for testing in the Channel region are really perfect. It’s very good news that this Imray catalog. Hopefully someday maps covering the Baltic and I'll be served for every corner I go for a walk. It's still an area that forces me to keep Inavx.

  4. Hello,
    Good news because I hope the level of pixelation (clear definition) Raster of Imray proposed by Geogarage will be much better than the Admiralty of the UKHO that I bought qq months ago but frankly on the verge of unusable especially vs SHOM versions…

  5. Definitely planning to get one of these for Western Europe when lockdown ends!

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