Bloc Marine is back

First appeared at the end of June 2023, The Bloc Marine app, edited by Meteo Consult / Le Figaro Nautisme, has replaced the Guide Escales (¹), previously removed from the Apple Store. This last application had been far from unanimous following a catastrophic pricing policy over the course of successive updates (²).

On the opposite, Bloc Marine offers free access with a few ads that are not intrusive for now. With a completely redesigned user interface, more in line with today's standards, it is simpler and more efficient. In its last version 1.3.0 from February the 9 th of this year, The app is presented as a "guide to ports, anchorages, beaches and diving spots". Above all, it is the list of ports that offers the greatest wealth of information for the boater. Their description does not omit any detail, not even the pricing that we imagine is updated every year.

Plusieurs centaines de lieux sont référencés sur les côtes et dans les eaux intérieures de l'Europe

Several hundred places are referenced on Europe's coasts and inland waters

If the satellite views (Apple Maps) are not always up-to-date, the harbour plans provided are, with display of all amenities by self-explanatory thumbnails, and even the numbering of the pontoons.

Un descriptif détaillé pour chaque port, un plan actualisé, parfois une carte d'approche, et une ou deux vues aériennes.

A detailed description for each port, an up-to-date plan, sometimes an approach chart, and one or two aerial views.

This list also provides direct access to the local weather via a link to the app Météo Consult Marine, belonging to the same press group, if it's on your device, And if you have an internet connection.

Le bouton

The "Check Weather" button opens the Weather Consult Marine app to the location page.

There is also a page to list your favorite places, and a "Folders" page, that needs to be fleshed out. To date, it only contains the RIPAM in Navigation folder. One would expect to find there the Division 240, and a few other regulatory documents as found in the paper format of the Marine Block. Finally, a "News" page of questionable interest includes some articles from Le Figaro Nautisme.

Bloc Marine recovers, by improving it, the best of its ancestor Guide Escales, by having eliminated the plethora of aerial views, unnecessary nautical charts, excessive pricing by geographical area, to focus on information that is really useful to the boater because it is complete and quickly accessible. Regarding information about anchorages and other spots, we're still a long way from the app Navily (³) with which Bloc Marine partially competes, and whose reputation is well established.

However, it will be necessary to remain attentive to the economic model in the future, which could lead to a significant increase in advertising, and/or the implementation of in-app purchases. In the meantime, this well-made app is worth a try.

(¹) Escales – the digital version of the Marine Block
(²) Guide Escales 2018 – Red card ! [Update-2]
(³) Navily facilitates the stops in a few taps


4 Replies to "The Marine Bloc is back”

  1. Hello
    A moins que je ne me trompe, les informations sur les ports ne sont pas accessibles hors ligne à moins d’avoir sélectionné au préalable des favoris dont les infos restent visibles hors ligne. Exact ?
    Ne remplace donc pas la version papier.
    Thank you

    1. Actually, application à usage exclusivement en ligne, favoris inclus. Mais en navigation côtière aujourd’hui on dispose d’un accès cellulaire (4G/5G) à internet presque partout le long du littoral.

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