2016 Year of GALILEO

Since my first post on GALILEO end 2011 (¹), space Europe has made significant progress. Despite economic uncertainties and numerous budgetary restrictions, Course and schedule have been maintained thanks to a community political flawless. This is to be welcomed because many other areas of European action didn't have the scoop.

The year 2016 has already been dubbed "the year of GALILEO".. This was the clear message of the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit (²) early March. The Munich summit covered all GNSS systems, but the focus this year was squarely on Galileo. Read more …

The American GPS in full evolution

As the number of GPS receiver devices increases significantly, so does our dependency on the GPS, but satellites are subject to wear out and age.

THE U.S. Air Force has since launched 2010 the second constellation of GPS satellites, named GPS Block IIF, or GPS IIF, built by Boeing. These satellites will replace the GPS IIA satellites of the first constellation, launched between 1990 and 1997, with lifespan design about 7,5 years.

Read more …

Bug iOS 8.3 et GPS Bluetooth

The iTabNav company sent me information regarding all current owners of a GPS Bluetooth-powered for iPad Wi-Fi, like the GNS2000 or BadElf.

Currently Apple iOS 8.3 No longer working with external Bluetooth GPS receivers. It seems that the Apple Location Services in latest version iOS 8.3 doesn't transmit the GPS data Received from these GPS GNS2000 to the application for navigation.
Apple Inc. is aware of this bug iOS and Promises A solution as soon as possible. I hope that this issue will be resolved in the coming days.
Multiple manufacturers applications for navigation Have Warned before The update iOS 8.3 like BadElf, see : http://bad-elf.com/blogs/bad-elf/18013536-alert-compatibility-issue-with-apple-ios-8-3-and-external-gps-receivers

Let's hope for the affected users that an iOS version 8.3.1 will quickly fix this bug. We can hope so because an update should quickly fix another bug that is much more important for Apple : the troubleshoooting of the Touch ID on many devices.

iPad GPS far away from networks

For those who do are not yet fully convinced, despite my assertions in many posts (¹), Here's another example of the accuracy of iPad GPS, cut off from any cellular or terrestrial Wi-Fi network. Already lived in 2011 during a stay in La Reunion (²), cette fois de retour d’un récent voyage à Londres j’ai ramené les « preuves » ci-dessous, screenshoted aboard an Airbus A320 : Read more …

BeiDou-2 Chinese GPS

BD-2GChina launched its 16th satellite of its satellite positioning system BeiDou-2. Like all other Chinese satellites, it was put into orbit by their own rocket Long March 3.

It is the sixth satellite launched this year to complete the constellation of satellites that will make up the BeiDou-2 navigation network. Started in 2007, this network is the successor to the BeiDou-1 project launched in October 2000 and gradually made up of 4 Experimental satellites. Read more …

iPhone 5 and GPS

Qualcomm MDM9615

Source : iFixit

iPhone 5With iPad 3, Apple has discontinued Broadcom's BCM475x series A-GPS chipsets that powered iPads 1 and 2 and iPhones 4. From iPhone 4S and iPad 3, says New iPad (¹), it is now Qualcomm company which provides Apple devices a modem integrating all communication features, series Gobi™ Modems (²). Read more …

Galileo, here we go !

Barely published, the 20 October, my previous post about iPhone 4S new GPS chipset – allowing you to receive signals from the Russian GLONASS system – in which I inserted a skeptical comment about the future of Galileo, that I see myself caught up in the news.

Not only did the first two satellites of Galileo were launched the next day 21 October with success from Kourou, but also by the Russian Soyuz launcher ! I hope you enjoy the comic of the situation… Read more …

A new GPS chipset in iPhone 4S ?

iFixit and Chipworks, the two major U.S. websites about dismantling of electronic devices of all kinds, had both recently shelled’iPhone 4S sans parler de son chipset GPS.

Yet, dans une nouvelle page de son site concernant les spécifications techniques de l’iPhone 4S, on its website, Apple announces October 19 th location based on assisted GPS and GLONASS. Damned ! Read more …